Naradipa, Muhammad Avicenna

Nationality: Indonesia
Faculty and Department: Science , Physics
Year of Admission: 2018
Undergraduate University and Country: University of Indonesia (UI) , Indonesia
Thesis Advisor: Associate Professor, Rusydi, Andrivo

Why did you choose to do a PhD?

In undergrad, I studied condensed matter physics on strongly correlated systems. It focused on emergent propeeties of materials that was interesting and surprising. I took a master’s to have a sip of the cutting edge research. The experience was very exciting and U fecided to continue it and start a PhD, hopefully to gain more knowledge on strange correlated systems and share it to the world

Why did you choose to do graduate education at NUS? If you received offers from other universities, why did you pick NUS?

NUS has one of the best, if not the best, facillities to do research both theoretically/numerically or experimentally. I am also exposed to some of the most advanced topics and research up close. We can just ask and knock on the prof’s door

Briefly share about your research or thesis (i.e. dissertation topic for Masters by Coursework students).

My research about the electronic and optical properties of strongly correlated systems. I use theoretical calculations and experimental data (using spectroscopic ellipsometry) to probe and discover novel and exciting properties in strongly correlated systems (interaction between electrons and holes are very strong)

Share something fun from your graduate journey at NUS.

I found that lots of Indonesian people are taking PhD and Masters but they rarely meet up. A few of my friends decided to have a sort of regular dinner/lunch so we could get to know everyone. It was very fun because we got to meet lots of people from different backgrounds

Share a challenge you faced in graduate school and how you overcame it.

Writing academic papers is quite a challenge for me (still is) because it’s a whole way of expressing your ideas. I often go back and forth fixing just one paragraph. It’s a challenge but I’m learning everyday

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