Top-Up Schemes

Research students who are receiving scholarships may also be eligible to apply for top-up schemes, where applicable.

  1. Top-Ups from Industries
    • Monthly top-ups to students may be provided by industry partners/sponsors in specific areas of research. The top-up amount may range from $500 to $1000 per month.
    • Supervisors should seek the approval of the Head of Department and the Vice Dean of the Faculty/school for such top-ups.
    • Students will be informed of the approval via their respective Faculty/School administrators.
  1. Research Project (RP) Augmentation Scheme
    • Principal investigators (PI) whose research projects are financed entirely by external funds or if the external portion comprises 50% or more of the total funding for the research project may top-up the research scholar’s stipend under the RP Augmentation Scheme.
    • The award amount is $500 per month.
    • The period of the award lasts till the completion of the project or until the student’s research scholarship expires, whichever is earlier.
    • A copy of the PI’s application should be submitted to NUS Graduate School. The original application form should submitted to the Office of Finance for processing.