Selvalatchmanan, Jayashree

Nationality: Singapore
Faculty and Department: Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine , NUS Medicine Dean's Office
Year of Admission: 2017
Undergraduate University and Country: University of Technology, Sydney , Australia
Thesis Advisor: Assistant Professor, Torta, Federico

Why did you choose to do a PhD?

I wanted to commit myself more deeply to what i was doing. I was already a research assistant in my lab then and I found myself wanting to understand the field more thoroughly and deeply. What other way then to throw yourself into a PhD program and watch if you sink or float?

Why did you choose to do graduate education at NUS? If you received offers from other universities, why did you pick NUS?

I was passionate about lipidomics, and SLING at NUS, headed by Markus Wenk, was perfect for me.

Briefly share about your research or thesis (i.e. dissertation topic for Masters by Coursework students).

I am currently working on the variability of the human milk lipidome.

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