Liu, Jielun

Nationality: China
Faculty and Department: Engineering
Undergraduate University and Country: Zhejiang University , China
Thesis Advisor: Assistant Professor, Ghim Ping, Ong

Why did you choose to do a PhD?

To be honest, the reason why I choose to do a PhD is that I thought a master was not challenging and rewarding enough when I was in the final year of my undergraduate study. In addition, I was in a minor program at that time and up to 50% of my classmate would choose to do a Phd (which also had a big influence on my decision). I compared lots of graduate program and chose to do a Phd at NUS.

Briefly share about your research or thesis (i.e. dissertation topic for Masters by Coursework students).

My research focuses on using traffic data and urban data (e.g., map data and weather data) to analyze the urban traffic network and travel behaviors, investigate strategies for traffic management and operation.

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