The NUSGS Pi Scheme

Launched Aug 2022, for PhD Students

The NUSGS Pi Scheme aims to create a skilled postgraduate workforce for industry R&D. PhD students work full-time in Singapore's R&D labs while part-time on NUS research related to their company's project, co-advised by NUS faculty and company R&D staff.

Overseas Research Immersion Award (ORIA)

Launched Jan 2023, for PGF Awardees

NUS ORIA provides PhD students a six-month chance for overseas lab attachment with exceptional researchers or immersion in a renowned research setting to expand research perspectives.

NUS Conference Travel Award for PGF Students

Launched Jan 2023, for PGF Awardees

The SGD 2000 Conference Travel Award supports PGF students beyond departmental, advisor, or organizer aid. Usable within their 4-year candidature for conference-related expenses.

NUS-Karolinska Institutet Exchange Programme

Launched Aug 2023, for PhD Students

The NUS-KI Exchange program encourages research collaboration, international networking, teaching and research enthusiasm at partner universities, and better understanding of economic, social, and cultural aspects.

PhD Qualifying Examination (PQE) Top-up

Launched Aug 2022, for all PhD Students

Urge NUS RS PhD students to finish PQE early. Top-up support extended till 4th year (up to 48 months, not 24). Propose aligning payout with PQE pass date. Top-up funded by MOE's RSB budget.

Extension of Stipend Disbursement to Final Thesis Submission Date

Launched Jan 2023, for All MbR Students

Early thesis submission for MbR students Early MbR thesis submission allows stipends for up to six extra months, until final submission or 24th month of candidacy, under full-time status. Pro-rated GAP hours must be finished six months prior to the initial thesis submission.

Extension of Stipend Disbursement to Final Thesis Submission Date

Launched Jan 2023, for All PhD Students

Early PhD thesis submission extends stipends for up to six extra months, until final submission or 48th candidacy month. No tuition fees after initial submission. Scholarship includes stipends till final submission, with pro-rated GAP hours required six months before first submission.

Student Research Assistant (SRA) Scheme

Updated Apr 2023, for PhD Students

The SRA scheme allows full-time International Students with a Student's Pass to work up to 44 hours per week. However, they're restricted to holding only one job at a time.