Institute of Operations Research and Analytics

IORA was established in 2016 as a centre of excellence to integrate Operations Research with Data Analytics. The institute aims to develop world-class research programmes to modernize the practice of Operations Research in this new data-intensive environment; and to nurture a new generation of PhD students, well versed in the tools and theories in the integration of Data Analytics into Operations Research.

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The PhD programme provides students with a rigorous training in the fields of Operations Research (OR) and Analytics, empowering them to contribute to advanced research and make a positive impact on society. Students will receive in-depth training in core OR modelling and methodology, as well as statistical analysis and mathematical optimization.

The faculty affiliated with IORA have attained international recognition and are viewed as one of the best groups in the field of OR in the world. Students have the opportunities to work with renowned faculty within and outside NUS.

Pursuing a PhD is an exciting and intellectually stimulating experience. It will mean dedication and hard work. Our faculty shares close relationships with our students, providing strong mentorship and support throughout their PhD journey.

Take your time to explore the exciting research of our institute. We look forward to welcoming you to the IORA family.

Professor Andrew Lim

Programme Director

PhD Programme

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