

NUS School of Computing, one of the leading computing schools in the world with faculty members who are both internationally recognised researchers and inspiring teachers, offers exceptional education experience through our outstanding degree programmes across the full spectrum of computing field. We are proud to count many prominent leaders in the field among our large and accomplished alumni family.

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The School of Computing (SoC) @ NUS is happy to be a pioneer of fundamental changes for both research and education in the computing field. We were one of the first worldwide to set up an independent school of computing in 1998, and have gone on to develop strong undergraduate and graduate computing programmes for NUS. The School considers PhD students as partners of change for both our research and education agenda, and we look forward to welcoming some of you to be part of the SoC family. In research, we continue to value quality and impact above everything else, and look forward to working with our PhD students in a wide range of cutting edge research areas in Computing. We believe that we are where we are with the help of many excellent students that have graduated from our School, and look forward to our graduates as society’s agents of change in this fast moving field of ours. Join us in our Open House! Join us in our PhD programme!


Associate Professor Chin Wei Ngan, Vice Dean, Graduate Studies, School of Computing

PhD Degree in Computer Science

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PhD Degree in Information Systems

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Computing Research Areas

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Computer Science PhD Alumni

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Information Systems PhD Alumni

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SoC Graduate Programmes

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‘Hearing’ how you walk

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Mastering the beast that is the company-wide IT system

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When disaster strikes, where do people run?

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Want to make a good app? Update often and get customers involved

10 June 2022

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Explainable AI gets more human-centric — thanks to cognitive psychology

28 April 2022

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Walk, Watch, Learn: On-the-go video learning

20 April 2022

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A course that lets you get your hands dirty

18 March 2022

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An AI that can read your emotions? Putting safeguards in place

21 January 2022

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