Jain, Ritu

Nationality: Singapore
Current Job: Lecturer, NTU
Graduation: 2017
Faculty and Department: Arts and Social Sciences
Undergraduate University and Country: national university Singapore, Singapore
Thesis Advisor: Professor, Vineeta, Sinha

Why did you choose to do a PhD?

A phd at a mature stage in life was more about self-fulfillment than anything else. I’d still do it b’se it was a journey of growth, of discovery, and a new life.

Why did you choose to do graduate education at NUS? If you received offers from other universities, why did you pick NUS?

I have come to appreciate the infrastructure, the opportunity, the space, and freedom that NUS offered to explore what I wanted and to chart my own course as a student and a researcher. That I look back to as invaluable!

Briefly share about your research or thesis (i.e. dissertation topic for Masters by Coursework students).


On hindsight, would you have chosen the same research supervisor for your graduate programme?

I found a very nurturing and supportive supervisor as well as ‘home department’ in SASP. That made all the difference to the continuation and completion of my degree.

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