Loh, Xian Jun

Nationality: Singapore
Current Job: Executive Director, A*STAR
Graduation: 2009
Faculty and Department: Integrative Sciences and Engineering
Undergraduate University and Country: National University of Singapore, Singapore
Thesis Advisor: Professor, Jun, Li

Why did you choose to do a PhD?

Yes, PhD is the key period of my life where I grew intellectually and professionally.

Why did you choose to do graduate education at NUS? If you received offers from other universities, why did you pick NUS?

I always believed in going local. When everyone went overseas, I went the other way and went to NUS instead. Why? I thought that I did not have to go through an adaptation period, I could hit the ground running. I started working in a lab as a year 1 undergraduate. If I had gone overseas, I had to take on too many things, accommodation, new environment, new acquaintances, activities. I felt I was not ready for it at that time.
I did my PhD subsequently in NUS as well in 2007. I had amassed a large amount of research data at that time, sufficient to write the papers required for graduation. I graduated in 2009 in two years. It was careful planning and I ultimately point back to my decision to study locally as the key factor in allowing me to finish my PhD in 2 years.

Briefly share about your research or thesis (i.e. dissertation topic for Masters by Coursework students).

Smart Biomaterials

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