Viveka, Kalidasan

Nationality: India
Current Job: Research Fellow, National University of Singapore
Graduation: 2016
Faculty and Department: Engineering
Undergraduate University and Country: TamilNadu Agricultural University, India
Thesis Advisor: Professor, Jun, DING

Why did you choose to do a PhD?

Since my childhood, I always wanted to be an entrepreneur and be my own boss. Therefore I never wanted to work for an MNC. I’m also a very studious person who tops the class and I believe in education as a life-long process. Combining my passion for entrepreneurship (to be my own boss, through all the risks and commitments) and my inherent love for nano-biomedical research, I felt PhD is the right step forward to fly as a technopreneur. I also wanted to be a leader in my field as I was a student leader from my school days.

Though I’m happy being a catalyst entrepreneur, I always wanted to spin-off a technology that I developed. For this I needed a PhD. I was clear about this from the very beginning. Becoming a technopreneur in biomedical field is and was my ultimate destination. Publishing high impact factor journals is good to reach to scientific and academic community. But having made a tangible product that benefits the community is where I will find peace with myself. I also wanted to horn my leadership skills through PhD programme.

Why did you choose to do graduate education at NUS? If you received offers from other universities, why did you pick NUS?

I first came to know about NUS, while I was browsing for research done at NanoCore@NUS. NUS being the top-notch university close to home, I couldn’t ask for a better university to horn my research, entrepreneurship and leadership skills.

Singapore and NUS have a very encouraging ecosystem for entrepreneurship. I got on board NUS Entrepreneurship society, even during my first semester of PhD.

Also, I’m a very firm believer of giving back to the community through mentorship and community leadership. For this, I became a student leader with Graduate Students’ Society and served for 2 years in the core Exec team. I was also a Graduate Fellow in Tembusu College, Utown.

My PhD gave me the flexibility and the right platform to finely balance my research, entrepreneurship and leadership skills. It is only possible in NUS ecosystem. No other university gives such a launchpad for an aspiring technopreneur, who wants to pave the way and lead. Bottom up, labmates, PI and NUS help me realise my dream, passion and my aim.

I’m forever grateful for NUS and that’s why even now, after I have graduated, I’m an alumni mentor with the FoE.

Briefly share about your research or thesis (i.e. dissertation topic for Masters by Coursework students).


On hindsight, would you have chosen the same research supervisor for your graduate programme?

Prof. Ding Jun is the best PhD supervisor one could ask for.

As I mentioned, I was very clear in my end goal technopreneur and leader, from the beginning. He allowed my to be a student leader with GSS, NES, Tembusu and pursue my research. I used to work all night and day balancing and my research and extra curricular work. He let me pursue them with a smiling face.

He also supported me through my rainy days, when I had CAP issues. He ensured all research resources are available on-time

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