JIN, Vera

Nationality: Singapore
Current Job: Chief Executive Officer, Sopra Steria Asia
Graduation: 2000
Faculty and Department: Engineering
Undergraduate University and Country: Hohai University, China
Thesis Advisor: Associate Professor, Ruey Long, Cheu

Why did you choose to do a PhD?

Of course! Pursuing my PhD afforded me the opportunity to dive into my favourite areas of research and apply my acquired knowledge to humanity’s benefit. I built up critical analytics and independent research skills during the PhD days.

Why did you choose to do graduate education at NUS? If you received offers from other universities, why did you pick NUS?

NUS is an international renowned university. Being a PhD student, it opened doors to me for cross-disciplinary research, and I received funding for international exposure.

Briefly share about your research or thesis (i.e. dissertation topic for Masters by Coursework students).

Development of Adaptive Expressway Incident Detection Systems Using Genetic Algorithm and Neural Networks

On hindsight, would you have chosen the same research supervisor for your graduate programme?

My supervisor guided me on both Academic and Career choices.

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