Ji Wu



Faculty and Department: 

NUS Graduate School, Integrative Sciences and Engineering Programme

Year of Study: 


Undergraduate University: 

National University of Singapore

Why did you choose to do graduate education at NUS? If you received offers from other universities, why did you pick NUS?

Because I was lucky to be enrolled in the NUS NGS programme which provided me an exciting platform to explore interdisciplinary research.

How does graduate school compare to your undergraduate experience?

I completed my undergraduate studies also with NUS. The experience shares some similarities in terms of coursework, but the core research work part is vastly different. Doctoral studies rely a lot on one’s self-motivation, initiative, independence and anticipation as the research work is most of the time proposed and led by oneself, unlike undergraduate coursework where one could simply follow the syllabus. Among the many, the biggest challenge lies in one’s ability to face and process failures.

Briefly share about your research or thesis (i.e. dissertation topic for Masters by Coursework students).

Advanced nanocomposite membranes for gas separation applications that are critical to energy and environmental development, such as hydrogen production and carbon capture.

What impact do you hope to have with your research?

To develop scalable ultra-performance membrane materials that can transcend the current performance ceiling and enhance CO2 capture efficiency in power plant to help alleviate global warming effect eventually.

Share something fun from your graduate journey at NUS.

Many overseas opportunities provided by NGS scholarship, including international conferences at US, UK and Japan. There are also local conferences and symposiums for scholars like me to share and present his/her research. NGS also organized many fun group activities (before COVID) from weekly tea party to monthly badminton playing, and also 15th anniversary dinner and so on. They really care for the well-being of their students.

Briefly share a highlight from your graduate school journey.

There are simply too many challenges I came across during graduate studies and I really do not know where to start with. It has been a bittersweet experience mixed with excitement, sense of fulfillment, self-doubt and pains. Basically, most of the frustration and stress came when you were about to approach certain deadlines or clinching for certain key goals, yet the experimental results would not agree with your own hypotheses. Sometimes, after some painstaking periods of extra works, you eventually got what you were asking for. Yet, most of the time, your tries simply kept failing and you just had to admit it and change direction as fast as you could, while pulling yourself together and learning how to report these ‘disappointing’ results professionally to your advisor. This process is absolutely much harder than it sounds as it touches on many soft parts of a grown man/woman, including ego, pride, self-recognition, etc., and it can easily demoralize someone so much so that he/she could simply give up on this journey. For a graduate student to finally call himself/herself a qualified scholar, he/she has to firstly master how to gracefully anticipate and confront failures.

Share something about campus life at NUS that new students would be interested to hear about.

Living in campus is peaceful and convenient, but it only applied to me when I was an undergraduate student and lived in PGP residences. I did not reside in campus during graduate studies. Nevertheless, my schoolmates who are foreign students and do live in campus, mostly in Utown residences, share that they really enjoy the living environment provided by NUS because the hardware is very decent and the convenience is there as everything is just within reach such that they can stay more focused on their research work.

What message would you like to give to students interested in graduate studies in NUS?

Stay prepared for stumbles and do not be afraid of new tries. The next try could be it as long as you do not stop trying.