
Tan, Cera Y.J.

Nationality: Singapore
Faculty and Department: Arts and Social Sciences , English Language & Theatre Studies
Year of Admission: 2019
Undergraduate University and Country: National University of Singapore , Singapore
Thesis Advisor: Associate Professor, Phillips, John William Pearson

Why did you choose to do graduate education at NUS? If you received offers from other universities, why did you pick NUS?

The department of English Language and Literature has outstanding faculty members whom I have had the privilege to get to know and work with over the course of my undergraduate days. I cultivated a productive and meaningful relationship with my supervisor who has been supporting me on my research journey.

Several departments from the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) also offer a Joint-Degree Programme (JDP) with King’s College London (KCL). The JDP offers the opportunity for inter-disciplinary research: my own research straddles English Literature (NUS) and the Digital Humanities (KCL).

Briefly share about your research or thesis (i.e. dissertation topic for Masters by Coursework students).

By historicising the drive I term anticipatory, from the Latin anticipare which holds within its etymological roots the sense of acting in advance or to act before [ante-] something, I hope to delineate a kind of genealogy that has endured in biopolitical thought. This anticipatory drive, whose nascent origins may be located in probabilistic thinking, has metastasised across disciplines, from natural and applied sciences to business and social sciences. By tracing the co-implications of biopolitics and anticipation, my research seeks to open a register between algorithmic governmentality and the corpus of biopolitical thought.

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