Shaleen Khanal

Shaleen Khanal

Nationality: Nepal
Faculty & Year of Study: Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, Year 3
Undergraduate: Delhi University, India

Why Did You Choose To Pursue A PhD?

I want to be an academic because like research and I like teaching. PhD provides an ideal platform to learn how to do that.

Why Did You Choose To Pursue Your PhD At NUS?

NUS provides a refreshing change from the Anglocentric world of academia. Being around students and faculty from diverse backgrounds is a good opportunity to challenge your existing notions on how the world around you works and should work.

Can you tell us briefly about your research topic?

My research centers around institutional determinants of innovation and technology. I try to study how societal and organizational institutions affect adoption and diffusion of innovations.

What challenges have you faced during your stint as a PhD student?

Coming up with important research questions requires lots of reading and creative thinking. Self-motivation is also key to success in PhD because doing research or writing dissertation can be reclusive affairs.

Any advice for someone who's considering a PhD in NUS?

NUS is a great place for PhD. We have amazing faculty doing cutting-edge research in natural and social sciences. We just need to ensure that we fully utilize the opportunities the University provides. So just make sure to further explore your research interests by talking to wide-range of experts, create long-lasting partnerships, and make sure to have fun.