Serene Ng

Serene Ng Wen Ling

Nationality: Singapore
Faculty & Year of Study: Faculty of Engineering, Year 4
Undergraduate: National University of Singapore, Singapore

Can you tell us briefly about your research topic?

My research is in the field of developing photocatalyst for energy and environmental sustainability (VOCs degradation and hydrogen generation). The aim of my research is to optimize and develop materials for enhanced photocatalytic activity through many factors such as structural optimization, charge transfer and photothermal effect. Ultimately, hybridizing them into a single system for improved performance.

Why did you choose to do this research for your PhD?

While we are progressing and enhancing our quality of life through technological advancement, it is at the expense of our vulnerable environment and climate. Therefore, the reason for doing this research direction is in hope that sustainable approaches to produce clean energy can be developed and at the same time, reducing the release of harmful materials that may be detrimental to human health and the environment. As solar energy is available and free to use in most locations, it is thus practical to consider using it as the energy source for clean energy production.

Can you tell us something fun about your PhD journey in NUS?

During my course of study, I was given the opportunity to have a 3 week exchange programme in Japan, Kogakuin University. This journey is definitely unforgettable and interesting as I get to experience and understand a different culture while still doing research in their university.

Any advice for someone who's considering a PhD in NUS?

Important aspects which I think are extremely crucial to doing a PhD are mainly perseverance and having adequate communications with your supervisor. As the journey for PhD at NUS is approximately 4 year, it is important that you are determined to finish the course of study as there could be many setbacks along the way (such as coursework, qualifying examination and maybe negative results from your experiments despite many attempts) which makes you feel like giving up. Therefore, it will be important that your supervisor can understand your situation and continuously provide you support/advices for your research project.