Outstanding Graduate Mentor Award 2024

Celebrating Excellence and Dedication in PhD Mentoring

About the Award

Graduate Mentors play a significant role in fostering and steering the development of postgraduate scholars in their research pursuits, and professional and personal growth as the latter navigate their academic journeys. The Outstanding Graduate Mentor Award is a university-level award to formally acknowledge, inspire, and encourage excellent mentorship, and to recognize mentors’ contributions in nurturing the next generation of future scholars, thought leaders, and game changers.

Award Entitlement

$3000 monetary award and 1 RSB Scholarship

Award Categories

One award each for STEM and Non-STEM programmes


Full-time faculty member, with a primary appointment in NUS


Open to nominations from the following:

  1. Current NUS postgraduate (research) student/alumni mentored by the candidate
  2. Head of Department and Faculty Members
  3. Self-nomination

Evaluation Committee

Nominations will be evaluated by the University Graduate Mentoring Committee (UGMC) which will comprise of a chairperson and four other members from STEM and non-STEM disciplines.

Evaluation Criteria

Nominations will be evaluated with reference to evidence of strength, positive impact and commitment to the support and development of the students’ postgraduate journey in the following areas:

  1. Successful completion of degree through well-structured relationships and the willingness to invest time and effort in guiding and supporting students' personal and professional development
  2. Promotes good scientific practice, research, and academic integrity
  3. Providing a supportive, inclusive, and conducive environment. This includes advocating for students, helping them to access resources, and creating opportunities for them to succeed
  4. Effectiveness in preparing students to be innovative scholars and thought leaders
  5. Commitment to supporting the continued success and professional growth of students post-PhD
  6. Significant contributions to department/faculty/university graduate committees

Submission Requirements

  1. Nominee’s reflection (not more than 3 pages):
    • Articulation of your mentoring philosophy in the following areas: a) values/beliefs, b) goals & c) strategies
    • An impact narrative outlining contributions towards academic/professional development of graduate students
    • Other evidence of contributions and their significance to graduate education programmes at NUS
  2. List of past Master & Doctoral students for whom the nominee served as the main thesis advisors, including information on their current positions and email contact, if available
  3. Curriculum vitae; details of experience, positions, and qualifications
  4. 2 student testimonials (not more than 2 pages) that include specific examples and anecdotes of how nominees’ mentoring have positively impacted their postgraduate journeys and how it has contributed to their development
  5. [Optional] Additional letter/s of support from Faculty members/Dean/HoDs/students/alumnus


S/N Process Deadline
1 Call for nomination by NUSGS

31 Oct 2023 From 01 Nov 2023
2 Submission of nomination to NUSGS by nominator 15 Jan 2024
3 Submission of supporting documents as listed in “Application Requirements” by candidates/nominees 15 Feb 2024
4 Evaluation of submissions by the University Graduate Mentoring Committee (UGMS) Apr 2024
5 Submission of recommendations to Provost
Provost to make final recommendations for President’s approval
May/Jun 2024
6 Award Presentation Ceremony TBA

Nominate As

Please select your category
