
Outstanding Graduate Mentor Award 2025

Celebrating Excellence and Dedication in PhD Mentoring

About the Award

Graduate Mentors play a significant role in fostering and steering the development of postgraduate scholars in their research pursuits, and professional and personal growth as the latter navigate their academic journeys. The Outstanding Graduate Mentor Award is a university-level award to formally acknowledge, inspire, and encourage excellent mentorship, and to recognize mentors’ contributions in nurturing the next generation of future scholars, thought leaders, and game changers.

Award Entitlement

  1. Monetary value of $3,000
  2. 1 Research Scholarship Block (RSB) scholarship


  1. Full-time faculty member, with a primary appointment in NUS
  2. Graduated at least 2 PhDs students


Open to nominations from the following:

  1. Current NUS postgraduate (research) student/alumni mentored by the candidate
  2. Self-nomination
  3. Head of Department (HoD)


  1. Students/Alumni who wish to nominate candidates or Thesis Advisors (for self-nomination) can access the nomination forms here
  2. Nominations received will be shared with HoD for review
  3. After reviewing the nomination received and taking into account the mentoring track record, each HoD can invite at most 2 candidates to prepare for the required materials 1-4 (submission requirements) below, and send the nominations directly to the Faculty Vice Dean’s (Graduate) office

Submission Requirements

  1. Candidate’s reflection (up to 3 pages):
    1. Articulation of your mentoring philosophy in the following areas: a) values/beliefs, b) goals & c) strategies
    2. An impact narrative outlining contributions towards academic/professional development of graduate students
    3. Other evidence of contributions and their significance to graduate education programmes at NUS
  2. A list of current and past PhD/MbR students mentored by the candidate (as the main thesis advisors), along with their placements and noteworthy achievements at NUS or later in their career; template attached
  3. Curriculum vitae (up to 5 pages)
  4. 2 to 3 student testimonials (at least one from a graduated alumnus), each not more than 2 pages. The testimonials should include specific examples and anecdotes of how nominees’ mentoring have positively impacted their postgraduate journeys and how it has contributed to their development
  5. A nomination letter from Head of Department (HoD) (up to 2 pages) outlining why the candidate is an outstanding mentor

Evaluation Committee

Nominations will be first evaluated by the Faculty Vice Dean for Graduate Studies, and finally by the University Graduate Mentoring Committee (UGMC) which comprises of a chairperson and four other members from STEM and non-STEM disciplines:

  1. Professor Shen Zuowei, Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics/Director, Institute of Mathematical Sciences (Chairperson)
  2. Emeritus Professor Shirlena Huang, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Department of Geography
  3. Professor Chen Zhi Ning, College of Design and Engineering Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
  4. Professor Wong Lim Soon, School of Computing, Department of Computer Science/Deputy Dean, NUS Graduate School
  5. Associate Professor Sylvie Alonso, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, Department of Microbiology and Immunology

Evaluation Criteria

Nominations will be evaluated with reference to evidence of strength, positive impact and commitment to the support and development of the students’ postgraduate journey in the following areas:

  1. Successful completion of degree through well-structured relationships and the willingness to invest time and effort in guiding and supporting students’ personal and professional development
  2. Promotes good scientific practice, research, and academic integrity
  3. Providing a supportive, inclusive, and conducive environment. This includes advocating for students, helping them to access resources, and creating opportunities for them to succeed
  4. Effectiveness in preparing students to be innovative scholars and thought leaders
  5. Commitment to supporting the continued success and professional growth of students post-PhD
  6. Significant contributions to department/faculty/university graduate committees

The ideal candidate should have mentored several exceptional PhD or Master’s by Research students, some of whom have become leaders in their respective fields, whether in academia, industry, or beyond.

Timeline and Process

S/N Process Deadline
01 Call for nomination
NUSGS to send out the Call for Nominations to Vice Deans (Graduate), Head of Departments and Students
Late December 2024/ Early January 2025
02 Self-nomination or submission of nomination from NUS Students/Alumni via nomination form
NUSGS to forward nominations to Head of Departments for review
20 January 2025
23 January 2025
03 Each department is to submit not more than 2 (ranked) candidates’ dossiers to the Faculty
Note: Candidates may either belong to the list of student/alumni/self-nominees, or directly nominated by HoD.
21 February 2025
04 Faculties will review and submit recommendations for up to 2 candidates (with final dossiers) to NUSGS 14 March 2025
05 Evaluation of submissions by the University Graduate Mentoring Committee (UGMS) 11 April 2025
06 Submission of recommendations to Provost and President for approval 30 April 2025
07 University Awards 2025 May- August 2025

Nominate As

Please select your category
