
NG5001 Academic Communication for Graduate Researchers

The course facilitates further development of students’ academic literacies in critical reading, proposal writing and oral presentation. NG5001 is a letter-graded course with Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) option which students can exercise upon the release of each semester’s examination results. 

Who Should Read?

Compulsory for all PhD students from AY2022/2023 Semester 1 intake onwards and all previous cohort students who were required to take but yet to clear the following courses: ES5002/ES5101/ES5610/GS6889C.

How to Register for This Course?

Registration for NG5001 is done via the “Select Courses” function in CourseReg@EduRec. See CourseReg User Guide for Student.

NG5001 Academic Communication for Graduate Researchers

Admitted AY22/23 onwards


Should Read?

Compulsory for all PhD students


to Take?

Term 2210 students will be scheduled over Jan’23 and Aug’23

Term 2220 students will be scheduled in Jan’24

Term 2310 will be scheduled over Jan’24 and Aug’24


to Register for the Course?

NUSGS will pre-allocate the course to eligible students before CourseReg commences in each semester. Students will receive an email notification on the allocation. No action from students required.