Lim, Jhin Jieh

Lim Jhin Jieh

Nationality: Malaysia
Faculty & Year of Study: Cancer Science Institute of Singapore (CSI), Year 4
Undergraduate: National University of Singapore, Singapore

Can you tell us briefly about your research topic?

For my graduate research, I work on developing combinatorial treatment approaches for liver cancer using patient-derived disease models.

Why did you choose to do this research for your PhD?

Even before I started PhD, I knew I was interested in the field of translational science. I was keen to do research that had the potential for translation into clinical applications, such as therapeutics or diagnostics.

How does PhD graduate education compare with your undergraduate experience?

I think the nature and expectations of graduate education differ from undergraduate studies. There are less classes to take for a PhD graduate student, and most of the time is spent working on research in the laboratory. In this aspect, I would say graduate education gives us a lot more freedom and independence in directing our own thesis project. In terms of coursework, I feel that graduate education is less exam-focused and more oriented towards gaining a deeper understanding of the topics that are taught.

What challenges have you faced during your stint as a PhD student?

The biggest challenge I faced in graduate school was learning to be resilient. Experiencing numerous failures and obstacles throughout the course of my research was difficult, but what was harder was getting myself to not give up and to keep moving forward. I believe graduate school training is tough, but it has definitely made me stronger.

Can you tell us something fun about your PhD journey in NUS?

Many of the fun moments in my graduate journey are shared with my lab mates, such as witty banters in lab while doing research, going for after-work fitness activities as a group, and travelling to international conferences together.

Any advice for someone who's considering a PhD in NUS?

I would say try to find a project that you are genuinely passionate about, and also a mentor or professor that would support and guide you in your pursuits. And just be ready to embark on an amazing journey that may not always be smooth sailing, but fulfilling nonetheless.