Xie Feng

Nationality: China
Faculty & Year of Study: Duke-NUS Medical School, Year 4
Undergraduate: Tsinghua University, China

"Think over what you like and what you would like for your career, and then carry it out with determination. Listen to others for more information, but decide with your heart."

Why Did You Choose To Pursue A PhD?

I began my PhD study to pursue my long-term degree goals.

Why Did You Choose To Pursue Your PhD At NUS?

The PhD-IBM-HSSR program at Duke-NUS Medical School is quite interdisciplinary, which is very attractive to me. The research areas are very diverse and I can choose whatever I like to focus my research efforts on. Thus, I can apply data science tools to solving real-life problems in health-related areas.

Can you tell us briefly about your research topic?

My research topic is very interdisciplinary. I would like to make use of electronic health records data to build a risk stratification model and improve the triage system in the hospital emergency department. Some advanced analytical approaches such as machine learning and artificial intelligence would be applied.

How does PhD graduate education compare with your undergraduate experience?

PhD education is quite different from undergraduate study. As a PhD student, you will aim to be an independent researcher. Thus, you will need to develop your own ideas and think them over deeply and independently. This might be challenging at first, but it will prove to be greatly beneficial for your career development.

What challenges have you faced during your stint as a PhD student?

I would say it’s challenging but also enjoyable. Although it would be tough to turn your own idea into reality, you will definitely learn a lot during this process. The analytical and research skills you pick up in your PhD journey are highly transferable. If you enjoy learning and exploring, the PhD journey would definitely be enjoyable.

Can You Tell Us Something Fun About Your PhD Journey In NUS?

If you like your research, your daily life would be fun. You will enjoy it even though it might seem boring to others.

Any other words of wisdom to share?

Think over what you like and what you would like for your career, and then carry it out with determination. Listen to others for more information, but decide with your heart.