Siddharth Natarajan

Nationality: India
Current Job: Assistant Professor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Graduation: NUS Business School, Year 2019
Undergraduate: University of Pune, India

"Failure is common in the scientific process. Rather than merely focus on the outcome, enjoy the process -- the thrill of discovery, the joy of learning, and the satisfaction of a good day's work. The opportunity to do a Ph.D. is truly a privilege."

In retrospect, would you still have chosen to do a PhD? Why?

Absolutely. A PhD provides a great platform for an academic career.

On hindsight, would you still have chosen NUS to do your PhD?


On hindsight, would you have chosen the same research topic for your PhD?

Yes, but maybe with minor modifications.

On hindsight, would you have chosen the same research supervisor for your PhD?

Yes, we had a great working relationship.

How did NUS prepare you for your career?

NUS provided me with strong research training for my current job as a professor.

How did your experiences as a graduate student shape and guide you in your current career?

I learnt the importance of persevering with an idea, even if it seems tough at first.

Suggest 2 or 3 things that graduate students should do to prepare for their professional careers?

  • Develop skills to communicate with diverse audiences
  • Learn to work in an uncertain environment
  • Think about where you want to be in the next 5 years, and take appropriate steps to go down that path

Name 2-3 things you wished you had been told when you started graduate school?

  • Read books on diverse subjects
  • Take a break from routine work to explore the world

What advice would you give someone considering doing his/her PhD at NUS?

  • Try to use the multiple avenues that NUS offers for interdisciplinary learning
  • Be proactive in engaging with researchers outside NUS

Briefly share something fun in your graduate journey at NUS that you remember.

Having seminars in the cafe at University Hall.

Any other words of wisdom to share?

Failure is common in the scientific process. Rather than merely focusing on the outcome, enjoy the process — the thrill of discovery, the joy of learning, and the satisfaction of a good day’s work. The opportunity to do a Ph.D. is truly a privilege.