Maulana Bachtiar

Nationality: Indonesia
Current Job: Data Scientist, IBM, Singapore
Graduation: Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, Year 2014
Undergraduate: National University of Singapore, Singapore

"It's good to focus on your project but don't forget your own and family life. Make friends and learn to collaborate effectively because working with others is better than working alone!"

In retrospect, would you still have chosen to do a PhD? Why?

Definitely. Doing a PhD helped me become a very independent and life-long learner who can continuously innovate and adapt in this increasingly fast-changing world.

On hindsight, would you still have chosen NUS to do your PhD?

If I can travel back in time, I would still have chosen NUS to do my PhD as it is one of the best universities in Asia if not globally, with students and faculties coming from different parts of the world.

On hindsight, would you have chosen the same research topic for your PhD?

Yes, looking back, it was the right decision for me to choose and pursue my PhD research topic which was on bioinformatics. Fast forward to today, I can see that the bioinformatics folks have actually been applying data sciences in generating solutions for the biomedical sector, before artificial intelligence became a global phenomenon.

On hindsight, would you have chosen the same research supervisor for your PhD?

Of course. I was very lucky because Prof Caroline Lee, my PhD supervisor, was extremely supportive during the ups and downs of my PhD journey. Caroline also had a strong belief in me and my potential from early on, allowing me to pursue an out-of-the-box project.

How did NUS prepare you for your career?

NUS is a very well-managed university, with world class facilities and infrastructures. This right environment, coupled by its strategic positioning in Singapore helped me prepare for a global-oriented career.

How did your experiences as a graduate student shape and guide you in your current career?

The experience at NUS acted like a launchpad for my current career. After passing through all the hurdles and hardships as a PhD student, I then realized that it was actually an effective way for preparing myself to continue succeeding when more challenges arise in the subsequent phases of life!

Suggest 2 or 3 things that graduate students should do to prepare for their professional careers?

– It’s ok to make mistakes. Learn from them and grow.
– Stay focused on the objectives and be an independent learner.
– Stay relevant: appreciate the bigger picture before zooming into the depth.

Name 2-3 things you wished you had been told when you started graduate school?

-Things we learn at school actually have ‘expiry dates’, but having the capacity to continuously learn doesn’t!
– Don’t just learn to do good science, but also learn to stay relevant to the world.
– Publication is not everything!

What advice would you give someone considering doing his/her PhD at NUS?

NUS has a very strong research community, which is great for one who is considering doing a PhD. When choosing a project, one advice is to choose a project that is best-aligned to your interest and goals, and a supervisor whom you can work and communicate effectively with.

Briefly share something fun in your graduate journey at NUS that you remember.

I hang out a lot with my friends in the lab and beyond while at NUS. Furthermore, I’ve also met my wife while I was at NUS!

Any other words of wisdom to share?

It’s good to focus on your project but don’t forget your own and family life. Make friends and learn to collaborate effectively because working with others is better than working alone!