Jiang Yi

Nationality: China
Current Job: Assistant Professor, Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen), China
Graduation: NUS Business School, Year 2020
Undergraduate: City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

"Being an independent scholar is a long and tough process, like a marathon. PhD is only the start of the marathon. Just enjoy every effort you made, find your own pace, and keep running."

In retrospect, would you still have chosen to do a PhD? Why?

Of course. My curiosity and interest in academic positions make the PhD a must for me.

On hindsight, would you still have chosen NUS to do your PhD?

It’s definitely the case. NUS is a top-ranked university and its Business School also provides thorough training to equip us with professional skills to be a professor after graduation.

On hindsight, would you have chosen the same research supervisor for your PhD?

My supervisor is a very responsible scholar. He is my role model. He made lots of efforts to coach me to be an independent scholar.

Suggest 2 or 3 things that graduate students should do to prepare for their professional careers?

1. Be open-minded and explore different research fields
2. Try to find your research interests and be an expert in that area
3. Actively approach faculty members and other students to develop collaborative projects

Name 2-3 things you wished you had been told when you started graduate school?

1. Talk to yourself to understand why you chose to start a PhD program. Is it a must for you?
2. PhD is a long-lasting and tough process. It is a long-term investment. If you make the choice, please be patient and confident in what you choose. You may encounter quite a lot of challenges throughout the process but in the end, you will make it.

What advice would you give someone considering doing his/her PhD at NUS?

During your PhD candidature, you may find that your peers are excelling and feel that they are way ahead of you. Just remain confident and find your own pace.

Briefly share something fun in your graduate journey at NUS that you remember.

Playing the guitar and the violin in the student lounge with my friends.

Any other words of wisdom to share?

Being an independent scholar is a long and tough process, like a marathon. PhD is only the start of the marathon. Just enjoy every effort you made, find your own pace, and keep running.