Betsy Seah

Nationality: Singapore
Current Job: Research Fellow, Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Graduation: Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies, Year 2020
Undergraduate: National University of Singapore, Singapore

"Enjoy the PhD journey, celebrate small milestones along the way, and not just focus on the final destination."

In retrospect, would you still have chosen to do a PhD? Why?

Doing a PhD is an enriching and fulfilling journey of discovering both yourself and the topic of your research interest. It allows you to dive deep into exploring a topic that you are passionate about, widens your perspective towards how you go about ‘doing things’ and hones your writing/communication skills. It’s a personal challenge of grit, determination and drive which I do not regret.

On hindsight, would you have chosen the same research supervisor for your PhD?

Yes, A/Prof Wang Wenru is a nurturing and experienced nurse researcher who provides ample of learning opportunities for her PhD students. She guides her students closely by sharing her wealth of knowledge and experiences and following up with them on their research projects.

Suggest 2 or 3 things that graduate students should do to prepare for their professional careers?

Connect with like-minded people and build your research network while doing a PhD.

Name 2-3 things you wished you had been told when you started graduate school?

Knowing clearly why you want to do a PhD.
Doing a PhD requires abundance of self-motivation, hard work and conviction.

Briefly share something fun in your graduate journey at NUS that you remember.

Having a group of supportive friends to do “crazy things” together makes the PhD journey lighter and easier to walk. And you get to travel to new places during overseas conferences, and meet like-minded people!

Any other words of wisdom to share?

Enjoy the PhD journey, celebrate small milestones along the way, and not just focus on the final destination.