Lionel Louis



Current Job: 

Senior Manager, Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth




Masters by Coursework

Faculty and Department: 

Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy

Undergraduate University: 

Curtin University, Australia

Why did you choose to do graduate education at NUS? If you received offers from other universities, why did you pick NUS?

It was a goal to either do a course or masters progamme in LKYSPP. Thanks to FB algorithm an advert popped up for a tea session and that’s how I put in an application. I didnt apply for other schools.

Briefly share about your research or thesis (i.e. dissertation topic for Masters by Coursework students).

NA – Captstone proejct – GSP. We did a project to improve the lives of persons from indeginous communites (Boracay, Phillipines)

What impact do you hope to have with your research?

The local goverment adopted our recommendations and implemented legislation.

If you have won any academic prize/competition or been invited to speak at an international conference—share what it is, its significance, and how you worked towards achieving it.

Class Rep – Singapore Expereince and yearbook committee. I also helped organised a talk on Singapore’s hawker culture nomination.

Briefly share a highlight from your graduate school journey.

The classroom conversations with international classmates and the frank exchanges with Profs.

Share a challenge you faced in graduate school and how you overcame it.

Being away from school for about 8 years. it was slightly challenging to do academic writting.

How did NUS prepare you for your career?

School provided many career workshops and consultations which help with my job finding.

How did your experiences as a graduate student shape and guide you in your current career?

I applied for the Masters for my own achievements. Didn’t expect it to advance my career.

Share something about campus life at NUS that new students would be interested to hear about.

Lots of interesting events and talks to particpate in.

Do you have any interesting personal stories to share? For example, about your journey to get into graduate school, personal hobbies/interests.

“After completing my Masters in Public Administration in 2019, I was supposed to have my commencement in 2020. However, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, this didn’t happen. So the next best thing was by way of a virtual ceremony held yesterday.

This is a huge achievement for me, coming from the Normal (Technical) stream and the ITE. I had originally set my sights on only getting a bachelor’s degree. Somehow, thanks to the FB algorithm, I was prompted to sign up for a tea session, to find out more about the programmes offered at LKYSPP. Given my background, I didn’t think I’d be offered a place.

After receiving much support from my mother, and a few friends, I sent in the application. There were a few naysayers who were discouraging, for reasons I don’t wish to elaborate. However, I’m glad I didn’t listen to them. I am thankful to my two former bosses, who readily agreed to be my referees in the application.

As I eagerly waited for the application result, many friends continued to encourage me. When some of them learnt I would be taking an extended unpaid leave of absence from work to pursue my studies, they offered their homes for me to stay in, so that my commute to school would be much shorter. Others offered to pay for transportation or for my meals.

In addition to being accepted into LKYSPP, I was very pleased to be offered a full scholarship by the Li Ka-shing foundation. This was the first time I had received one! It helped immensely with my tuition fees and monthly expenses. I remember writing a thank you letter to Mr Li when I received the scholarship. The scholarship office replied that I didn’t have to send them anything, but I was so grateful I wanted him to know.

My graduation would not have been possible without the support from my family, partner and friends, the academic staff of LKYSPP, my fellow coursemates.”


What message would you like to give to students interested in graduate studies in NUS?

Have an open mind, dont be afraid to apply (regardless of your background), do it for yourself , if you want career advancement be sure to have check is your organisation will promote you based on your Masters.