Fergnani, Alex

Alex Fergnani

Nationality: Italy
Graduation:  Business School, Year 2023
Undergraduate:  Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna, Italy

"Do it only if you know you are independent, self-disciplined, and if you are driven about your topic of research and think you will continue to be."

Why did you choose to pursue a PhD?

Because I would like to become a thought leader in this field of study

Why Did You Choose To Pursue Your PhD At NUS?

Because I have a background in Asian Studies. NUS is one of the best institutions in Asia.

Can you tell us briefly about your research topic?

I study the futures of organizations, the practice of preparing for potential futures of the external environment in organizations, and the methods to study the futures.

Why did you choose to do this research for your PhD?

Because it is important that organizations and communities prepare for the futures. Very few are able to do it in a systematic manner.

What do you like most about graduate school?

Autonomy to pursue topics of interest

What challenges have you faced during your stint as a PhD student?

Publishing about my topic of research within the field of management, because it’s new.

Any highlights you'd like to share with us about your PhD life?

I have published extensively on my topic of research, both in journals within my discipline and not, effectively serving as a bridge between the two.

Can you tell us something fun about your PhD journey in NUS?

Reading is fun. You can read what you want in a PhD program. Teaching executives is really fun too. I have served as teaching assistant in many EMBA courses.

Any advice for someone who's considering a PhD in NUS?

Do it only if you know you are independent, self-disciplined, and if you are driven about your topic of research and think you will continue to be.