
Service Obligation (SO) Scheme

International Students reading a government-subsidised programme can apply for the Service Obligation (SO) Scheme to pay reduced, subsidised tuition fees.

International Students who have applied successfully for the Scheme will be required to undertake a service bond under the terms of the Service Obligation to work for a Singapore-based company for three (3) years upon completion of their degrees (i.e. the employment secured after the date of degree conferment) so as to discharge some of their obligations to the Singapore public for the high subsidy to their graduate education. Singapore-based companies refer to local and international companies that have a base in Singapore that is registered with the Accounting & Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) as well as companies of such local and international companies registered with ACRA that are based overseas. Please refer to MOE’s website for more details.


i.     Students must be eligible for MOE Subsidy:

  • Student has not already attained a graduate degree that is of the same or higher level than the one he/she is intending to pursue through MOE subsidies or sponsorship by the Singapore Government agency (such as scholarships offered by the Ministries, Public Service Commission and Statutory Boards)
  • Student who has received MOE subsidies or sponsorship by the Singapore Government at the Autonomous Universities for the previous programme(s) at the graduate level for which he/she did not complete will be eligible for MOE subsidy up to the maximum course duration for the new programme less the equivalent number of semester(s) of government subsidy/sponsorship received for the previous programme(s) of the same level.

ii.     Eligibility for students under the following graduate programmes:

Graduate Programmes



Graduate Research

Doctor of Philosophy

May be eligible for the SO Scheme.

Masters by Research

Not eligible for SO Scheme for those admitted from AY2022/2023.

Graduate Coursework

Masters and Graduate Diploma

Not eligible for SO Scheme for those admitted from AY2020/2021.

iii. Students under the following scholarships are not eligible for the SO scheme:

  • Foreign government scholarships
  • MOE-funded scholarships which come with Graduate Assistantship Programme (GAP) requirements, such as:
    • NUS Research Scholarship (RS)*
    • President’s Graduate Fellowship (PGF)*
    • Tuition Fee Allowance (TFA)*
    • Singapore International Graduate Award (SINGA)

*Note: The terms and conditions for students on RS, PGF and TFA who have already signed Service Obligation Agreement in previous semesters remain unchanged.

As the first semester’s tuition fee will be billed before the Service Obligation Agreement is executed, students are to ensure that they have sufficient funds to pay the tuition fee amount chargeable before Service Obligation subsidy. After successful execution of the Service Obligation Agreement, the tuition fee will be adjusted accordingly. The difference in tuition fee paid will be credited to the students’ Student Account in myEduRec and used to offset the next semester’s tuition fees.

For students who wish to have a refund of the Credit Balance (arising from the Service Obligation Agreement executed) in their Student Account, please write-in directly to the Office of Finance (Attention to: Ms Tay Hui Koon at

The amount of MOE Subsidy under Service Obligation can be referred from the student’s bill in every semester. Students, who are required to pay Liquidated Damages (LD) to MOE, would have to pay the total amount of MOE Subsidy under Service Obligation plus 10% interest rate compounded at the end of each academic year.

Service Obligation application process is held biannually in August and January. For upcoming SO application exercise, eligible International Students can apply for the SO Scheme through MOE TG&S System and complete the online application during the stipulated period in the steps indicated below:


Get Singpass ready!

If you do not already have a Singpass account, register for one as soon as you have your Student’s Pass. Singpass Registration User Guide for Students

  • Gather sureties’ information & photo identity documents (ID) in advance
  • Apply for SO via the TG&S system


 (Note: Existing NUS Students have to contact their Dean’s Office to inform their intention to sign SO)

SO Online application period:

13 January 2025 (Monday) to 20 January 2025 (Monday)



Successful SO applicants and their sureties will receive email notification to sign the Service Obligation Agreement (SOA) via TG&S system.

 You will be notified via email upon being awarded the SO.

Online signing via MOE’s TG&S system:

21 January 2025 (Tuesday) to 4 February 2025 (Tuesday)


  1. Newly admitted and current International Students who meet SO eligibility criteria provided above.
  2. Only SO applicants who completed the signing formalities can enjoy subsidised tuition fees from the current semester to the Maximum Course Duration (for Research-based programmes) and Normal Course Duration (for MOE-subsidised Coursework programmes, with effect from Semester 1, AY2019/20). The list of MOE-subsidised Coursework programmes and its Normal Course Duration (NCD) can be found here.

For further enquiries about the SO Scheme, please refer to MOE’s website on Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) or contact the following:

Tuition Grant Section Email:
