The e-OpenDay will be conducted fully online on 22nd September 2021, Wednesday, Singapore (UTC+8).
Simply log in with the email address you used after you have registered for the event.
Yes, you can login and out anytime you please! Simply re-login with your email address at your convenience.
Anyone with or getting a good University degree from any country interested in pursuing Masters and/or PhD in any discipline are welcome to this Virtual Open House.
You are welcome to invite your friends to join us! Simply ask them to register at this event link:
On that day, you can look forward to the following:
It is good for you to attend the ‘live’ talks, Deanery Forums, Alumni/Graduate Student Forums at specific times on that day as there will be opportunities for ‘live’ QnAs. Nonetheless, fret not if you are unable to attend as all ‘live’ talks and discussion forums will be recorded and uploaded onto the event site for later viewing, and thereafter to NUS Graduate School website.
Importantly the Virtual Open House web-portal will remain accessible to the public after the event except there will not be any ‘live’ events. You can still visit the various faculty booths to download information and brochures and email us with any enquiries.
The main aim of the Virtual Open House Day is for you to explore the various PhD programmes and scholarships offered by NUS; interact with our faculty, alumni, students and admissions officers, understand the eligibility criteria for the various programmes; as well as identify potential supervisors in your area of interest and interact (perhaps showing them your CV) with them if they are available on that day.
If you decide that you would like to apply for one/more PhD programmes at NUS on that day, and you have met the eligibility criteria, you are most welcome to initiate the submission of your application through or (for Duke-NUS application only) after carefully following the instructions for the various faculty/PhD programmes that you are applying to. There will be several certified documents that you will need to submit together with the application as well as request letters of recommendations from your previous supervisors/mentors. All applications received must be complete before any careful deliberation or invitation for formal interview or offer can be made.
Hence, while you are welcome to submit an application for consideration in one/more Masters/PhD programmes at NUS, it is not possible for you to be formally interviewed or offered a position during the e-Open Day.
There is no registration fee as the Virtual Open House is FREE for everyone. Do spread the word and invite anyone who is interested in PhD programmes and research!
There is no closing date for registration. You can register anytime, up to the event day (22 September 2021) itself to participate in ‘live’ and recorded events.
Please download Zoom and have at least a free Zoom account to participate in all ‘live’ events. You will also need to register and login to the event ( (link will only be functional on actual event day)) using the email address that you register. No password is necessary
No, a webcam is not required.
You can