Li Hsian Christopher Chen

Associate Professor


University of Oxford
United Kingdom

Main Appointment:


Joint Appointments:

Research Fields:


Research Areas:


Research Fields:

  • STEMM – Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, Medical Sciences

Research Keywords:

  • Cognitive Impairment
  • Dementia
  • Cerebrovascular Disease
  • Alzheimer's Disease
  • Biomarkers

Current Appointments:

Director, Memory Aging and Cognition Centre, National University Health System
Senior Consultant (Honorary), National University Hospital

Brief Description of Research:

As a Clinician-Scientist and Singapore Translational Research Award Investigator, my area of dementia research, of particular importantance to Singapore and Asia, is Vascular and Neurodegenerative Mechanisms in Dementia. Vascular disease is prominent among ethnic Asian dementia patients. Compared to Caucasian populations, a higher prevalence of Vascular Dementia has been reported in Asian countries such as Japan and China. Moreover, studies have revealed a vascular basis contributing to the etiology and pathogenesis of Alzheimer's Disease. The identification of biomarkers for vascular and neurodegenerative mechanisms, and insights into the mechanisms of interaction may lead to potential therapeutic approaches.

This will not only give rise to novel scientific insights and advances but also be of immense potential benefit to Singaporeans and the biomedical industry since the increasing numbers of patients suffering from dementia exact a massive toll in health care costs, disability and lost productivity for both patients and caregivers.

Core Research Projects:

1) Neurochemistry, Molecular Pathology and Biomarker Discovery
2) Dementia Neuroimaging using Multi-Modal Magnetic Resonance and Retinal Imaging
3) Artificial Intelligence applied to Biomarker Research
4) Epidemiology of Dementia in Singapore: Ethnicity and Risk Factors
5) Clinical Trials for Cognitive Impairment and Dementia

Total Number of Publications:


Five Representative Publications:

(from the past 2 years)
1. Hilal S, Tan CS, van Veluw SJ, Xu X, Vrooman H, Tan BY, Venketasubramanian N, Biessels GJ, Chen C. Cortical cerebral microinfarcts predict cognitive decline in memory clinic patients. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 40 (2020) 44-53
2. Saridin FN, Hilal S, Villaraza SG, Reilhac A, Gyanwali B, Tanaka T, Stephenson MC, Ng SL, Vrooman H, van der Flier WM, Chen CLH. Brain amyloid β, cerebral small vessel disease and cognition: a memory clinic study. Neurology 95 (2020) e2845-e2853
3. Cheung CY, Mok V, Foster PJ, Trucco E, Chen C, Wong TY. Retinal Imaging in Alzheimer’s Disease. Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 92 (2021) 983-994
4. Ferro DA, Mutsaerts HJ, Hilal S, Kuijf HJ, Petersen ET, Petr J, van Veluw SJ, Venketasubramanian N, Boon Yeow T, Jan Biessels G, Chen C. Cortical microinfarcts in memory clinic patients are associated with reduced cerebral perfusion. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 40 (2020) 1869-78
5. Chong JR, Ashton NJ, Karikari TK, Tanaka T, Saridin FN, Reilhac Am Robins EG, Nai YH, Vrooman H, Hilal S, Zetterberg H, Blennow K, Lai MKP, Chen C. Plasma P-tau181 to Aβ42 ratio associates with brain amyloid burden and hippocampal atrophy in an Asian cohort of Alzheimer’s disease patients with concomitant cerebrovascular disease. Alzheimer's & Dementia (2021)

My Research Videos:

Top 5 Publications:

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  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Journals Published:

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  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Li Hsian Christopher Chen

Associate Professor


Director, Memory Aging and Cognition Centre, National University Health System
Senior Consultant (Honorary), National University Hospital


University of Oxford
United Kingdom

Research Areas

  • Cognitive Impairment
  • Dementia
  • Cerebrovascular Disease
  • Alzheimer's Disease
  • Biomarkers

Research Description

As a Clinician-Scientist and Singapore Translational Research Award Investigator, my area of dementia research, of particular importantance to Singapore and Asia, is Vascular and Neurodegenerative Mechanisms in Dementia. Vascular disease is prominent among ethnic Asian dementia patients. Compared to Caucasian populations, a higher prevalence of Vascular Dementia has been reported in Asian countries such as Japan and China. Moreover, studies have revealed a vascular basis contributing to the etiology and pathogenesis of Alzheimer's Disease. The identification of biomarkers for vascular and neurodegenerative mechanisms, and insights into the mechanisms of interaction may lead to potential therapeutic approaches.

This will not only give rise to novel scientific insights and advances but also be of immense potential benefit to Singaporeans and the biomedical industry since the increasing numbers of patients suffering from dementia exact a massive toll in health care costs, disability and lost productivity for both patients and caregivers.

Core Research Projects:

1) Neurochemistry, Molecular Pathology and Biomarker Discovery
2) Dementia Neuroimaging using Multi-Modal Magnetic Resonance and Retinal Imaging
3) Artificial Intelligence applied to Biomarker Research
4) Epidemiology of Dementia in Singapore: Ethnicity and Risk Factors
5) Clinical Trials for Cognitive Impairment and Dementia

Research Videos

Selected Publications

(out of 424 publications)

(from the past 2 years)
1. Hilal S, Tan CS, van Veluw SJ, Xu X, Vrooman H, Tan BY, Venketasubramanian N, Biessels GJ, Chen C. Cortical cerebral microinfarcts predict cognitive decline in memory clinic patients. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 40 (2020) 44-53
2. Saridin FN, Hilal S, Villaraza SG, Reilhac A, Gyanwali B, Tanaka T, Stephenson MC, Ng SL, Vrooman H, van der Flier WM, Chen CLH. Brain amyloid β, cerebral small vessel disease and cognition: a memory clinic study. Neurology 95 (2020) e2845-e2853
3. Cheung CY, Mok V, Foster PJ, Trucco E, Chen C, Wong TY. Retinal Imaging in Alzheimer’s Disease. Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 92 (2021) 983-994
4. Ferro DA, Mutsaerts HJ, Hilal S, Kuijf HJ, Petersen ET, Petr J, van Veluw SJ, Venketasubramanian N, Boon Yeow T, Jan Biessels G, Chen C. Cortical microinfarcts in memory clinic patients are associated with reduced cerebral perfusion. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 40 (2020) 1869-78
5. Chong JR, Ashton NJ, Karikari TK, Tanaka T, Saridin FN, Reilhac Am Robins EG, Nai YH, Vrooman H, Hilal S, Zetterberg H, Blennow K, Lai MKP, Chen C. Plasma P-tau181 to Aβ42 ratio associates with brain amyloid burden and hippocampal atrophy in an Asian cohort of Alzheimer’s disease patients with concomitant cerebrovascular disease. Alzheimer's & Dementia (2021)