Tamra Maree Lysaght

Assistant Professor


Select University

Main Appointment:

Medicine (Dean's Office)

Joint Appointments:

Research Fields:


Research Areas:


Research Fields:

  • SIAP – Social Sciences, International Affairs, Politics/Policies
  • Others

Research Keywords:

  • Bioethics
  • Social Research
  • Stem Cells
  • Genomics

Current Appointments:

Brief Description of Research:

Dr Lysaght is Director of Research and Phase Director of the Health ethics, Law and Professionalism (HeLP) program at the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine at the Centre for Biomedical Ethics, National University of Singapore. She has expertise in empirical bioethics and experience in using both qualitative and quantitative research methods to inform normative questions pertaining to science policy and ethics. Her work focuses on emergent health and biomedical technologies, including stem cell research and regenerative medicine, precision medicine and genomics, Big Data and AI in healthcare. She is Module Head of the Swiss ETH-National Research Foundation Future Health Technologies Programme, and is Principal Investigator of the Social Science Research Thematic Grant examining trustworthy governance models for sharing health-related data, and the National Medical Research Council-funded Science Health and Policy-relevant Ethics, Singapore initiative. She is also a member of the AI and Data Ethics Advisory Council convened under the Infocomm Media Development Authority, the Oversight Board of the Singapore Network of Biorepositories, and the Executive Committee of the Stem Cell Society, Singapore, as well as Vice-Chair of the Committee for Ethics, Law and Society of the Human Genome Organisation.

Total Number of Publications:


Five Representative Publications:

Lysaght T, Ballantyne A, Xafis V, Ong S, Schaefer GO, Ling J, Newson AJ, Khor IW, Tai ES (2020), ““Who is watching the watchdog?”: ethical perspectives of sharing health-related data for precision medicine in Singapore”, BMC Medical Ethics, in print.
Bylstra Y, Lysaght T, Thrivikraman J, Watson S, & Tan, P. (2017), “Ethical Frameworks for Obtaining Informed Consent in Tumor Profiling: An Evidence-Based Case for Singapore”, Human Genomics. 11(1):31.
Lysaght, T. (2017) “Accelerating Regenerative Medicine: The Japanese Experiment in Ethics and Regulation”, Regenerative Medicine. 12(6):657-668.

My Research Videos:

Top 5 Publications:

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Journals Published:

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  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Tamra Maree Lysaght

Assistant Professor
Medicine (Dean's Office)



Select University

Research Areas

  • Bioethics
  • Social Research
  • Stem Cells
  • Genomics

Research Description

Dr Lysaght is Director of Research and Phase Director of the Health ethics, Law and Professionalism (HeLP) program at the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine at the Centre for Biomedical Ethics, National University of Singapore. She has expertise in empirical bioethics and experience in using both qualitative and quantitative research methods to inform normative questions pertaining to science policy and ethics. Her work focuses on emergent health and biomedical technologies, including stem cell research and regenerative medicine, precision medicine and genomics, Big Data and AI in healthcare. She is Module Head of the Swiss ETH-National Research Foundation Future Health Technologies Programme, and is Principal Investigator of the Social Science Research Thematic Grant examining trustworthy governance models for sharing health-related data, and the National Medical Research Council-funded Science Health and Policy-relevant Ethics, Singapore initiative. She is also a member of the AI and Data Ethics Advisory Council convened under the Infocomm Media Development Authority, the Oversight Board of the Singapore Network of Biorepositories, and the Executive Committee of the Stem Cell Society, Singapore, as well as Vice-Chair of the Committee for Ethics, Law and Society of the Human Genome Organisation.

Research Videos

Selected Publications

(out of 45 publications)

Lysaght T, Ballantyne A, Xafis V, Ong S, Schaefer GO, Ling J, Newson AJ, Khor IW, Tai ES (2020), ““Who is watching the watchdog?”: ethical perspectives of sharing health-related data for precision medicine in Singapore”, BMC Medical Ethics, in print.
Bylstra Y, Lysaght T, Thrivikraman J, Watson S, & Tan, P. (2017), “Ethical Frameworks for Obtaining Informed Consent in Tumor Profiling: An Evidence-Based Case for Singapore”, Human Genomics. 11(1):31.
Lysaght, T. (2017) “Accelerating Regenerative Medicine: The Japanese Experiment in Ethics and Regulation”, Regenerative Medicine. 12(6):657-668.