Paul Anantharajah Tambyah



National University of Singapore

Main Appointment:

Medicine (Medicine)

Joint Appointments:

Joint Appointments:
  • Medicine
  • Research Fields:


    Research Areas:


    Research Fields:

    • STEMM – Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, Medical Sciences

    Research Keywords:

    • Urinary Catheter
    • Clinical Trial

    Current Appointments:

    Visiting consultant Singapore Armed Forces

    Brief Description of Research:

    Total Number of Publications:

    Five Representative Publications:

    1. Yan G, Lee CK, Lam LTM, Yan B, Chua YX, Lim AYN, Phang KF, Kew GS, Teng H, Ngai CH, Lin L, Foo RM, Pada S, Ng LC, Tambyah PA.Covert COVID-19 and false-positive dengue serology in Singapore. Lancet Infect Dis. 2020 Mar 4.

    2. Bal C, Herbreteau CH, Buchy P, Rith S, Zaid M, Kristanto W, Han V, Reynaud C, Granjard P, Lépine B, Durand C, Tambyah PA. Safety, potential efficacy, and pharmacokinetics of specific polyclonal immunoglobulin F(ab')(2) fragments against avian influenza A (H5N1) in healthy volunteers: a single-centre, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 1 study. Lancet Infect Dis. 2015 ;15:285-92

    3. Le Bert N, Tan AT, Kunasegaran K, Tham CYL, Hafezi M, Chia A, Chng MHY, Lin M, Tan N, Linster M, Chia WN, Chen MI, Wang LF, Ooi EE, Kalimuddin S, Tambyah PA, Low JG, Tan YJ, Bertoletti A. SARS-CoV-2-specific T cell immunity in cases of COVID-19 and SARS, and uninfected controls. Nature. 2020;584:457-462

    4. Lee VJ, Yap J, Cook AR, Chen MI, Tay JK, Tan BH, Loh JP, Chew SW, Koh WH, Lin R, Cui L, Lee CW, Sung WK, Wong CW, Hibberd ML, Kang WL, Seet B, Tambyah PA. Oseltamivir ring prophylaxis for containment of 2009 H1N1 influenza outbreaks. N Engl J Med. 2010;362:2166-74.

    5. Harris PNA, Tambyah PA, Lye DC, Mo Y, et al Paterson DL. Effect of Piperacillin-Tazobactam vs Meropenem on 30-Day Mortality

    My Research Videos:

    Top 5 Publications:

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    Journals Published:

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    • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
    • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

    Paul Anantharajah Tambyah

    Medicine (Medicine)


    Visiting consultant Singapore Armed Forces


    National University of Singapore

    Research Areas

    • Urinary Catheter
    • Clinical Trial

    Research Description

    Research Videos

    Selected Publications

    (out of publications)

    1. Yan G, Lee CK, Lam LTM, Yan B, Chua YX, Lim AYN, Phang KF, Kew GS, Teng H, Ngai CH, Lin L, Foo RM, Pada S, Ng LC, Tambyah PA.Covert COVID-19 and false-positive dengue serology in Singapore. Lancet Infect Dis. 2020 Mar 4.

    2. Bal C, Herbreteau CH, Buchy P, Rith S, Zaid M, Kristanto W, Han V, Reynaud C, Granjard P, Lépine B, Durand C, Tambyah PA. Safety, potential efficacy, and pharmacokinetics of specific polyclonal immunoglobulin F(ab')(2) fragments against avian influenza A (H5N1) in healthy volunteers: a single-centre, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 1 study. Lancet Infect Dis. 2015 ;15:285-92

    3. Le Bert N, Tan AT, Kunasegaran K, Tham CYL, Hafezi M, Chia A, Chng MHY, Lin M, Tan N, Linster M, Chia WN, Chen MI, Wang LF, Ooi EE, Kalimuddin S, Tambyah PA, Low JG, Tan YJ, Bertoletti A. SARS-CoV-2-specific T cell immunity in cases of COVID-19 and SARS, and uninfected controls. Nature. 2020;584:457-462

    4. Lee VJ, Yap J, Cook AR, Chen MI, Tay JK, Tan BH, Loh JP, Chew SW, Koh WH, Lin R, Cui L, Lee CW, Sung WK, Wong CW, Hibberd ML, Kang WL, Seet B, Tambyah PA. Oseltamivir ring prophylaxis for containment of 2009 H1N1 influenza outbreaks. N Engl J Med. 2010;362:2166-74.

    5. Harris PNA, Tambyah PA, Lye DC, Mo Y, et al Paterson DL. Effect of Piperacillin-Tazobactam vs Meropenem on 30-Day Mortality