Dennis Kappei

Assistant Professor


Technical University of Dresden

Main Appointment:


Joint Appointments:

Joint Appointments:
  • Cancer Science Institute
  • Research Fields:


    Research Areas:


    Research Fields:

    • STEMM – Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, Medical Sciences

    Research Keywords:

    • Cancer
    • Epigenetics
    • Proteomics
    • Telomere
    • Gene Expression

    Current Appointments:

    Jt Appt – Assistant Professor, Cancer Science Institute Of Singapore

    Brief Description of Research:

    About 98% of the human genome consists of non-coding DNA and more than half harbors repetitive sequences. At the moment, the function of most of these non-coding elements remains elusive despite an association of several of these elements with diseases such as cancer, diabetes and aging-related disorders. Our laboratory develops innovative quantitative mass spectrometry approaches to interrogate the native chromatin composition at individual genomic loci or to identify which proteins are specifically bound to non-coding RNA molecules in their native environment. We then apply these approaches to both telomeres, the ends of linear chromosomes, and to non-coding driver mutations in regulatory elements and their associated non-coding RNAs. Overall, we aim to understand how chromatin remodeling contributes to tumor progression.

    Total Number of Publications:


    Five Representative Publications:

    1. Roelofs P.A., Goh C.Y.*, Chua B.H.*, Jarvis M.C., Stewart T.A., McCann J.L., McDougle R.M., Carpenter M.A., Martens J.W., Span P.N., Kappei D., Harris R.S. (2020) Characterization of the mechanism by which the RB/E2F pathway controls expression of the cancer genomic DNA deaminase APOBEC3B. Elife 9:e61287

    2. Bluhm A., Viceconte N., Li F., Rane G., Ritz S., Wang S., Levin M., Shi Y., Kappei D.#, Butter F.# (2019) ZBTB10 binds the telomeric variant repeat TTGGGG and interacts with TRF2. Nucleic Acids Research 47(4): 1896-1907.

    3. Jahn A.*, Rane G.*, Paszkowski-Rogacz M., Sayols S., Bluhm A., Han C.T., Draškovič I., Londoño-Vallejo J.A., Kumar A.P., Buchholz F.#, Butter F.#, Kappei D.# (2017) ZBTB48 is both a vertebrate telomere-binding protein and a transcriptional activator. EMBO Reports 18(6): 929-946.

    4. Kappei D.*, Scheibe M.*, Paszkowski-Rogacz M., Bluhm A., Gossmann T.I., Dietz S., Dejung M., Herlyn H., Buchholz F.#, Mann M.#, Butter F.# (2017) Phylointeractomics reconstructs functional evolution of protein binding. Nature Communications 8: 14334.

    5. Kappei D.*, Butter F.*, Benda C., Scheibe M., Draškovič I., Stevense M., Novo C.L., Basquin C., Araki M., Araki K., Krastev D.B., Kittler R., Jessberger R., Londoño-Vallejo J.A., Mann M.#, Buchholz F.# (2013) HOT1 is a mammalian direct telomere repeat-binding protein contributing to telomerase recruitment. EMBO Journal 32(12): 1681-1701.

    *equal contribution, #equal correspondence

    My Research Videos:

    Top 5 Publications:

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    • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
    • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
    • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
    • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

    Journals Published:

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    • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
    • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
    • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
    • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

    Dennis Kappei

    Assistant Professor
    Cancer Science Institute


    Jt Appt – Assistant Professor, Cancer Science Institute Of Singapore


    Technical University of Dresden

    Research Areas

    • Cancer
    • Epigenetics
    • Proteomics
    • Telomere
    • Gene Expression

    Research Description

    About 98% of the human genome consists of non-coding DNA and more than half harbors repetitive sequences. At the moment, the function of most of these non-coding elements remains elusive despite an association of several of these elements with diseases such as cancer, diabetes and aging-related disorders. Our laboratory develops innovative quantitative mass spectrometry approaches to interrogate the native chromatin composition at individual genomic loci or to identify which proteins are specifically bound to non-coding RNA molecules in their native environment. We then apply these approaches to both telomeres, the ends of linear chromosomes, and to non-coding driver mutations in regulatory elements and their associated non-coding RNAs. Overall, we aim to understand how chromatin remodeling contributes to tumor progression.

    Research Videos

    Selected Publications

    (out of 27 publications)

    1. Roelofs P.A., Goh C.Y.*, Chua B.H.*, Jarvis M.C., Stewart T.A., McCann J.L., McDougle R.M., Carpenter M.A., Martens J.W., Span P.N., Kappei D., Harris R.S. (2020) Characterization of the mechanism by which the RB/E2F pathway controls expression of the cancer genomic DNA deaminase APOBEC3B. Elife 9:e61287

    2. Bluhm A., Viceconte N., Li F., Rane G., Ritz S., Wang S., Levin M., Shi Y., Kappei D.#, Butter F.# (2019) ZBTB10 binds the telomeric variant repeat TTGGGG and interacts with TRF2. Nucleic Acids Research 47(4): 1896-1907.

    3. Jahn A.*, Rane G.*, Paszkowski-Rogacz M., Sayols S., Bluhm A., Han C.T., Draškovič I., Londoño-Vallejo J.A., Kumar A.P., Buchholz F.#, Butter F.#, Kappei D.# (2017) ZBTB48 is both a vertebrate telomere-binding protein and a transcriptional activator. EMBO Reports 18(6): 929-946.

    4. Kappei D.*, Scheibe M.*, Paszkowski-Rogacz M., Bluhm A., Gossmann T.I., Dietz S., Dejung M., Herlyn H., Buchholz F.#, Mann M.#, Butter F.# (2017) Phylointeractomics reconstructs functional evolution of protein binding. Nature Communications 8: 14334.

    5. Kappei D.*, Butter F.*, Benda C., Scheibe M., Draškovič I., Stevense M., Novo C.L., Basquin C., Araki M., Araki K., Krastev D.B., Kittler R., Jessberger R., Londoño-Vallejo J.A., Mann M.#, Buchholz F.# (2013) HOT1 is a mammalian direct telomere repeat-binding protein contributing to telomerase recruitment. EMBO Journal 32(12): 1681-1701.

    *equal contribution, #equal correspondence