Markus R Wenk



University of Basel

Main Appointment:

Medicine (Biochemistry)

Joint Appointments:

Research Fields:


Research Areas:


Research Fields:

  • STEMM – Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, Medical Sciences

Research Keywords:

  • Lipidomics
  • Metabolomics
  • Mass Spectrometry
  • Precision Medicine
  • Biochemistry

Current Appointments:

Head, Department of Biochemistry
Director, Singapore Lipidomics Incubator (SLING)
Director designate, Precision Medicine Translational Research Programme
Executive Editor, Progress in Lipid Research (Elsevier)

Brief Description of Research:

We are a global magnet for collaborating parties in lipidomics research and education.

Lipids are organic compounds of enormous chemical diversity and are the main components of oils, fats and fuels as well as bio-membranes in living organisms. Despite their crucial roles in living organisms, many functions of lipids remain poorly understood, particularly at the molecular level. Neither do we have good estimates for the number of lipids found in an organism and their biological variation. Genes do not encode lipids. Instead, genes encode for enzymes that, together with influences from the diet and the environment, determine lipid inventories in biological systems.

The main aims of our research is to identify and quantify lipids with high fidelity.

The determination of such lipidomic variations requires adequate technologies. Our team has made seminal contributions towards the development of such novel technologies which have broad applicability. Consequently, we are now internationally recognized for advancing the field of lipidomics. Defining the concentration boundaries for individual lipids is a scientific pre-requisite to better understand lipid function. Lipidomics (the systems-level scale analysis of lipids and their interactors) thereby adds a complementary layer of information to our understanding of genetic and proteomic variations.

Mass spectrometry-based lipidomics is an ‘interface’ discipline. On its own and, at best, it yields qualitative and quantitative information on the lipid composition of a complex mixture derived from a small sample of biological origins; thus, a highly descriptive discipline. The advantages of mass spectrometry-based lipidomics lie in its sensitivity and resolution. The technology allows for ‘high definition’ insight into complex lipid mixtures that was not available 30 years ago. When applied appropriately, such new details can be of enormous value in integrative research that aims to address the function and biological relevance of lipids.

Total Number of Publications:


Five Representative Publications:

Chai JF, Raichur S, Khor IW, Torta F, Chew WS, Herr DR, Ching JH, Kovalik JP, Khoo CM, Wenk MR, Tai ES, Sim X. Associations with metabolites in Chinese suggest new metabolic roles in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. Hum Mol Genet. 2020

Chew WS, Torta F, Ji S, Choi H, Begum H, Sim X, Khoo CM, Khoo EYH, Ong WY, Van Dam RM, Wenk MR, Tai ES, Herr DR. Large- scale lipidomics identifies associations between plasma sphingolipids and T2DM incidence. JCI Insight. 2019

Burla B, Arita M, Arita M, Bendt AK, Cazenave-Gassiot A, Dennis EA, Ekroos K, Han X, Ikeda K, Liebisch G, Lin MK, Loh TP, Meikle PJ, Orešič M, Quehenberger O, Shevchenko A, Torta F, Wakelam MJO, Wheelock CE, Wenk MR. MS-based lipidomics of human blood plasma: a community-initiated position paper to develop accepted guidelines. J Lipid Res. 2018

Vu TM, Ishizu AN, Foo JC, Toh XR, Zhang F, Whee DM, Torta F, Cazenave-Gassiot A, Matsumura T, Kim S, Toh SES, Suda T, Silver DL, Wenk MR, Nguyen LN. Mfsd2b is essential for the sphingosine-1-phosphate export in erythrocytes and platelets. Nature. 2017.

Nguyen LN, Ma D, Shui G, Wong P, Cazenave-Gassiot A, Zhang X, Wenk MR, Goh EL, Silver DL. Mfsd2a is a transporter for the essential omega-3 fatty acid docosahexaenoic acid. Nature. 2014.

My Research Videos:

Top 5 Publications:

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Journals Published:

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  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Markus R Wenk

Medicine (Biochemistry)


Head, Department of Biochemistry
Director, Singapore Lipidomics Incubator (SLING)
Director designate, Precision Medicine Translational Research Programme
Executive Editor, Progress in Lipid Research (Elsevier)


University of Basel

Research Areas

  • Lipidomics
  • Metabolomics
  • Mass Spectrometry
  • Precision Medicine
  • Biochemistry

Research Description

We are a global magnet for collaborating parties in lipidomics research and education.

Lipids are organic compounds of enormous chemical diversity and are the main components of oils, fats and fuels as well as bio-membranes in living organisms. Despite their crucial roles in living organisms, many functions of lipids remain poorly understood, particularly at the molecular level. Neither do we have good estimates for the number of lipids found in an organism and their biological variation. Genes do not encode lipids. Instead, genes encode for enzymes that, together with influences from the diet and the environment, determine lipid inventories in biological systems.

The main aims of our research is to identify and quantify lipids with high fidelity.

The determination of such lipidomic variations requires adequate technologies. Our team has made seminal contributions towards the development of such novel technologies which have broad applicability. Consequently, we are now internationally recognized for advancing the field of lipidomics. Defining the concentration boundaries for individual lipids is a scientific pre-requisite to better understand lipid function. Lipidomics (the systems-level scale analysis of lipids and their interactors) thereby adds a complementary layer of information to our understanding of genetic and proteomic variations.

Mass spectrometry-based lipidomics is an ‘interface’ discipline. On its own and, at best, it yields qualitative and quantitative information on the lipid composition of a complex mixture derived from a small sample of biological origins; thus, a highly descriptive discipline. The advantages of mass spectrometry-based lipidomics lie in its sensitivity and resolution. The technology allows for ‘high definition’ insight into complex lipid mixtures that was not available 30 years ago. When applied appropriately, such new details can be of enormous value in integrative research that aims to address the function and biological relevance of lipids.

Research Videos

Selected Publications

(out of 250 publications)

Chai JF, Raichur S, Khor IW, Torta F, Chew WS, Herr DR, Ching JH, Kovalik JP, Khoo CM, Wenk MR, Tai ES, Sim X. Associations with metabolites in Chinese suggest new metabolic roles in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. Hum Mol Genet. 2020

Chew WS, Torta F, Ji S, Choi H, Begum H, Sim X, Khoo CM, Khoo EYH, Ong WY, Van Dam RM, Wenk MR, Tai ES, Herr DR. Large- scale lipidomics identifies associations between plasma sphingolipids and T2DM incidence. JCI Insight. 2019

Burla B, Arita M, Arita M, Bendt AK, Cazenave-Gassiot A, Dennis EA, Ekroos K, Han X, Ikeda K, Liebisch G, Lin MK, Loh TP, Meikle PJ, Orešič M, Quehenberger O, Shevchenko A, Torta F, Wakelam MJO, Wheelock CE, Wenk MR. MS-based lipidomics of human blood plasma: a community-initiated position paper to develop accepted guidelines. J Lipid Res. 2018

Vu TM, Ishizu AN, Foo JC, Toh XR, Zhang F, Whee DM, Torta F, Cazenave-Gassiot A, Matsumura T, Kim S, Toh SES, Suda T, Silver DL, Wenk MR, Nguyen LN. Mfsd2b is essential for the sphingosine-1-phosphate export in erythrocytes and platelets. Nature. 2017.

Nguyen LN, Ma D, Shui G, Wong P, Cazenave-Gassiot A, Zhang X, Wenk MR, Goh EL, Silver DL. Mfsd2a is a transporter for the essential omega-3 fatty acid docosahexaenoic acid. Nature. 2014.