PhD (Pharmacy)
  1. Studying for a PhD NUS Pharmacy can be a very rewarding and exciting experience. It is a dedicated effort to contribute to human health and wellness. Each student’s contribution is unique. The programme provides students with an opportunity to explore ideas, seek novelty and find better solutions, through scientific methodologies, technical approaches and creative pursuits.  The NUS Pharmacy graduate research experience enhances one’s critical thinking and sharpens one’s analytical acumen to face the challenges of our changing world.
  2. Our graduate programme includes taking a number of prescribed courses in the same or related field of research. This provides students with fundamental knowledge at the graduate level and prepares them for research work. Students are also required to attend and participate in seminars, where current research is presented by their peers, staff or visitors. At the end of the programme, the research work, which forms the largest single component of the graduate research programme, culminates into a thesis which is examined in its written form and a Viva.
department-iconPharmacy of Science National University of Singapore Block S4A, Level 3 18 Science Drive 4 Singapore 117543
  1. The School of Pharmacy was established in 1965, however, in 1974, Pharmacy joined the Faculty of Science as a Department at the University of Singapore. Today, the Department of Pharmacy remains as one of the six Departments that constitute the Faculty of Science at the National University of Singapore.
  2. Over the last century, the Department has evolved in its approach to educating pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists for Singapore and Malaysia. The entry programme to pharmacy practice has been transformed from apprenticeship centred training in the early 1900s to the current 4-year bachelor’s degree course, which comprises a strong scientific content together with an emphasis on competency in patient-centred care. Till today, the Department remains as the only place where Pharmacy education is being offered in Singapore. Therefore, the Department has the responsibility to ensure that it is providing good quality educational programme to train pharmacists for Singapore.
Commitment and Candidature
CommitmentCandidature Info
Full Time & Part Time
  1. Research students may be admitted on a full-time or part-time basis. However, international students on student’s pass must pursue their studies on a full-time basis.
  2. The maximum period of candidature for Graduate Programme students (leading to): Ph.D. (5 years)
  3. The maximum periods of candidature for full-time or part-time students are the same.
Target Audience

Students with a background in the sciences who seek to gain fundamental knowledge at the graduate level and prepares them for research work. Candidates who undertake the PhD aim to work towards a career in academia, research or management.

General Admission Criteria
CriteriaMinimum Score
GPAA good relevant Bachelor and/or Master degree, NUS graduates should have at least a 2nd Upper Honours
English Proficiency TestsTOEFL
85 / 120
IELTS6 / 9

GRE is optional. However, evidence of strong quantitative, verbal, and analytical skills through GRE scores, as well as indicators of research skills and experience will significantly strengthen your application.

  1. NUS graduates should have at least a 2nd Upper Honours

  2. The ability to pursue research in the candidate’s proposed field of advanced study

  3. 2 reference reports are required

  4. International students are expected to submit their TOEFL/IELTS & GRE/GATE test scores to support their application.

  5. Full application guide

Application Periods and Intakes
CategoryApplication WindowApplication Result Released

Semester 1 Intake


All students of any nationalitiesDeadline: November 15 2025May 31 2025

Semester 2 Intake


Deadline: May 15 2025October 31 2025
How to Apply?
Please visit GradApp to apply online. Click here for the GradApp Applicant Guide.