M.Sc. in Sustainable and Green Finance (Coursework)

The NUS MSc in Sustainable and Green Finance aims to fill the critical gap in our world of rising social and environmental challenges. This programme extends conventional finance models to incorporate social and environmental considerations to equip and empower students with relevant knowledge and skills in sustainable and green finance. Additionally, to enhance students’ impact on investment and business decisions, this programme provides experiential learning and exposure to the financial and corporate sectors in the region. Ultimately, our graduates would contribute to a more sustainable society and a greener planet.

department-iconFinance Business School Mochtar Riady Building Level 2 15 Kent Ridge Drive, Singapore 119245

The Sustainable and Green Finance Institute (SGFIN) is a research institute established by the National University of Singapore (NUS). SGFIN provides deep research capabilities in sustainable and green finance with the focal point on Asia and contributes thought leadership to shape sustainability outcomes in policymaking across the financial sector and the economy at large.

Supported by exceptional domain experts across NUS, SGFIN equips businesses with critical knowledge across disciplines to better quantify the environmental and social impacts of their business developments, operations, products, and services. SGFIN also provides education, training, and toolkits to integrate sustainability dynamics into their business strategies and investment decisions. In essence, SGFIN facilitates companies and institutions in embedding sustainability as a core pillar in their business decisions.


No scholarships provided for the programme

Commitment and Candidature
CommitmentAverage CandidatureMaximum Candidature
Full Time12 Months21 Months
Part Time21 Months21 Months
Target Audience

Bachelor’s degree holders that are interested in foundational and inter-disciplinary research covering sustainable and green finance, including topics in household finance, corporate finance, investments, financial development and inclusions, developments of sustainable banking practices, sustainable considerations of industry and business processes, and other related topics.

General Admission Criteria
CriteriaMinimum Score
GPAA good undergraduate degree in any discipline.
English Proficiency TestsTOEFL
100 / 120
IELTS7 / 9

  1. A good GMAT/GRE score will strengthen your application. Candidates with good GMAT/GRE scores will be considered favorably for study awards.

  2. Good TOEFL or IELTS scores if English is not the mother tongue or medium of prior undergraduate instruction.

  3. Full admissions requirements

  4. Full application guide

Application Periods and Intakes
CategoryApplication WindowApplication Result Released

Semester 1 Intake


All students of any nationalities

Application Opens: October 1 2025

Application Closes: February 28 2025

July 2024
How to Apply?
Please visit GradApp to apply online. Click here for the GradApp Applicant Guide.