M.Sc. in Project Management (Coursework)
Project Management

The Master of Science (Project Management) [MSc (PM)] programme was established in 1986, making it one of the oldest project management programmes in the world. It aims to provide professionals with the sound management skills and techniques necessary for the successful completion of complex projects in different industries. Participants from overseas feature strongly on all intakes and the wide mix of expertise allows for meaningful exchange and interaction at graduate level.


Upon completion of the programme, students are expected to:

  • Demonstrate competency as project managers and related fields to manage complex infrastructure projects
  • Lead project teams
  • Adhere to professional code of ethics

Programme video

faculty-iconDesign and Engineering
department-iconBuilt Environment 4 Architecture Drive, #03-04 Singapore 117566

History of the Department

The Department of the Built Environment (DBE) was created on 1 July 2021 after a rebranding of the Department of Building (DOB). The DOB was established on 1 June 2000 when the Faculty of Architecture, Building and Real Estate was restructured as the School of Design and Environment. The Department has a proud history of over 50 years, tracing its roots to the Department of Building and Real Estate which was established in 1969.

This departmental rebranding heralds the dawn of a new era which firmly anchors the department at the forefront of Built Environment education and research. This rebranding serves to future-proof our educational offerings to transcend beyond the traditional notions of building, project, and facilities management. This thereby ensures that our graduates remain highly sought-after by the relevant industries.


Our Vision

To be a global knowledge leader in project management, facilities management, contract management and technology management in the sustainable built environment.


Our Mission

To advance knowledge, educate learners, and foster enterprise in project management, facilities management, contract management and technology management in the sustainable built environment.


No scholarships provided for the programme

Commitment and Candidature
CommitmentAverage CandidatureMaximum Candidature
Full Time1 Year2 Years
Part Time2 Years3 Years
Target Audience

Bachelor’s degree holders with a relevant background who seek to further their knowledge in project management, facilities management, contract management and technology management in a sustainable built environment

General Admission Criteria
CriteriaMinimum Score
GPAAt least a bachelor’s degree with honours in a relevant discipline or a bachelor’s degree with at least 8 years of relevant experience;
English Proficiency TestsTOEFL
85 / 120
IELTS6 / 9

  1. Preferably at least 2 years of relevant post-graduation experience; and

  2. A good TOEFL score or equivalent if the medium of instruction is not in English. For further information on the English Language requirement: please click here.

  3. The TOEFL score or IELTS result is only valid for 2 years after the test and should be valid at the beginning of the application period for the designated MSc degree.

  4. Selected candidates may be contacted for interviews to assess their suitability for admission.

  5. FAQ’s

  6. Full admissions requirement

  7. Full application guide

Application Periods and Intakes
CategoryApplication WindowApplication Result Released

Semester 1 Intake


All students of any nationalitiesPlease do refer to CDE or Department Website for more details Please do refer to CDE or Department Website for more details

Semester 2 Intake


How to Apply?
Please visit GradApp to apply online. Click here for the GradApp Applicant Guide.