
NG5002 Research Ethics for Graduate Researchers


About NG5002

First offered in AY2024/2025 Semester 1, NG5002 is a 6-week, 2-unit course with Completed Satisfactory/ Completed Unsatisfactory (CS/CU) grading basis. For more information on NG5002 including its course objectives, pre-requisites and workload: 


NUSMods – NG5002:   

When Should NG5002 Be Read?

Students are advised to complete NG5002 by the end of their first year in their PhD programme, as doing so will be more beneficial for their academic progress. We encourage students to complete the course no later than the end of their second year.

Who Should Read NG5002?

Compulsory for all PhD students who are admitted from AY2024/2025 Semester 1 onwards, including those who have successfully transferred from Master’s by Research to PhD programme. 

NG5002 Core Topics (3 weeks)

  • Ethical research & decision making
  • Research misconduct
  • Plagiarism
  • Conflicts of Interest
  • Data management
  • Authorship & Publication
  • Mentorship, Collaboration, and the Research Environment


Note: Core topics are compulsory and involve:

  1. asynchronous learning activities (bite-size video lectures, readings, quizzes)
  2. synchronous tutorials, including group presentation

NG5002 Elective Topics (3 weeks)

Students are required to select two (2) electives, one conducted synchronously (which involves attending a tutorial class) and the other conducted asynchronously (no class involved, just an online assessment task).


Each class tutor will cover the core topics and one elective topic. During Course Registration, students are required to choose the first elective from the NG5002 timetable during “Select Courses” round for class allocation, and their second elective during the “Select Tutorials/Labs” round.

Note: For the first elective, students are advised to choose an elective that is relevant to their chosen field of research. For the second elective, students may choose either another topic that is relevant to their research field or a topic that is outside their research field.


First elective topic involve:

  • asynchronous learning activities (bite-size video lectures, readings, quizzes)
  • synchronous tutorials, including group presentation

Second elective topic involve:

  • asynchronous learning activities (bite-size video lectures, readings, quizzes)

When and How to Register for NG5002?

Course registration for NG5002 will be available during the semester’s course registration period. Students can register for the course using the “Select Courses” and “Select Tutorial/Labs” function in CourseReg@EduRec(Navigation:myEduRec> Academics > Course Registration). Details on the CourseReg schedule and timeline for Graduate students is available at CourseReg @ EduRec – Schedule & Timeline.


“Select Courses” function:

To facilitate course allocation, students are required to select their first elective topic from the ‘Class Group’ column in the NG5002 timetable during the “Select Courses” rounds.


“Select Tutorials/Labs” function:

After being allocated their courses, students can choose their second elective topic from the ‘Tutorial Group’ column in the NG5002 timetable using the “Tutorials/Labs” function. The second elective must be different from the first; otherwise, the course will be automatically dropped.

Note: Tutorial group allocation is separate from course allocation via the “Select Courses” function. Students should check the registration schedule for the dates of the various rounds for Tutorials/Labs registration.


Students are strongly encouraged to refer to the CourseReg User Guide for Students, which provides screenshots on how to navigate within CourseReg.


Students can also search and view for the course and timetable information in NUSMods

Completed Satisfactory/ Completed Unsatisfactory (CS/CU) Grading Basis

What is Completed Satisfactory/ Completed Unsatisfactory (CS/CU) grading basis? 


Courses that are given a CS/CU grading are typically courses that are completed satisfactorily or unsatisfactorily. No grade point will be assigned for such CS/CU courses; thus, they are not included in the computation of the Grade Point Average (GPA).


Note: A course that is designated ‘CS/CU’ are not the same as courses that are letter-graded but on an S/U option basis.  

When will NG5002 results be released?

The results for each mini semester will be released on the same date/time as the release of main examination results for Semester 1 and 2, respectively. 


For exam-related information, please go to: NUS Office of the University Registrar’s Website > Academic Activities > Examination > Examination Directory.  


Under “General Information”, look for “Important Deadlines on Examination-related Matters”.