Vivek Sundar Magesh

Nationality: India
Faculty & Year of Study: Business School, Year 5
Undergraduate: National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, India

"The PhD journey is a roller-coaster ride. There will be ups and downs. But, that's what makes the roller-coaster fun to ride!"

Why Did You Choose To Pursue A PhD?

I’ve always wanted to be an academic, and PhD is foundational to it. Being an academic enables you to delve deep into a specific area and come up with robust insights that further human understanding. Also, I am passionate about communicating ideas and in my field, being an academic can help to teach and interact with the business leaders of tomorrow.

How does PhD graduate education compare with your undergraduate experience?

The key difference between PhD and any other degree is the fact that one consumes knowledge in other degrees, while in the PhD one has to generate knowledge. The knowledge and insights so generated should be both robust and substantial. The PhD has been more challenging, yet more rewarding.

Any advice for someone who's considering a PhD in NUS?

The PhD journey is a roller-coaster ride. There will be ups and downs. But, that’s what makes the roller-coaster fun to ride!