Siew Cheng Phua

Assistant Professor


Johns Hopkins University
United States

Main Appointment:


Joint Appointments:

Research Fields:


Research Areas:


Research Fields:

  • STEMM – Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, Medical Sciences

Research Keywords:

  • Neuroscience
  • Circadian Rhythm And Disorders
  • In Vivo Neuronal Imaging
  • Proteomics
  • Molecular And Cell Signaling

Current Appointments:

PI/ Centre for Bioimaging Sciences (CBIS)

Brief Description of Research:

The Multiscale Neurobiology Lab is established in CBIS since January 2022- we are combining molecular techniques with in vivo imaging and behavior approaches to illuminate the cell biology that goes on inside the mammalian brain and the implications on behavior. Currently, a range of projects are being developed to investigate circadian signaling mechanisms in the brain that regulate our fundamental behaviors such as sleep, feeding and locomotion. Our long-term goal is to understand the molecular basis of what a "behavioral state" is and to harness these knowledge to develop strategies to treat circadian-related disorders e.g. Parkinson's.

Total Number of Publications:


Five Representative Publications:

Phua, S.C.#, Tan, Y.L.#, Kok, A.M.Y., Senol, E., Chiam, C.J.H., Lee, C.Y., Peng, Y., Lim, A.T.J., Mohammad, H., Lim, J.X., Fu, Y#. A distinct parabrachial to lateral hypothalamus circuit for motivational suppression of feeding by nociception. Science Advances 2021; 7(19), eabe4323. (#co-correspondence)

Jia, S., Phua, S.C., Nihongaki, Y., Li, Y., Pacella, M., Li, Y., Mohammad, A.M., Sun, S., Inoue, T., Schulman, R. Growth and site-specific organization of micron-scale biomolecular devices on living mammalian cells. Nature Communications 2021; 12(5279).

Phua S.C.#, Chiba S., Suzuki M., Su E., Roberson E.C., Pusapati G.V., Setou M., Rohatgi R., Reiter J.F., Ikegami K.#, Inoue T.# Dynamic remodeling of membrane composition drives cell cycle through primary cilia excision. Cell 2017; 168(1-2), 264-279. (#co-correspondence)

Garcia-Gonzalo F.R.*, Phua S.C.*, Roberson E.C., Garcia III G., Abedin M., Schurmans S., Inoue T., Reiter J.F. Ciliary phosphoinositides modulate Hedgehog signaling. Developmental Cell 2015; 34(4), 400-409. (*co-first)

Su S.*, Phua S.C.*, DeRose R., Chiba S., Narita K., Kalugin P.N., Katada T., Kontani K., Takeda S., and Inoue T. Genetically encoded calcium indicator illuminates calcium dynamics in primary cilia. Nature Methods 2013; 10(11), 1105-1107. (*co-first)

Phua S.C., Pohlmeyer C., Inoue T. Rapidly relocating molecules between organelles to manipulate small GTPase activity. ACS Chemical Biology 2012; 7(12): 1950-1955.

My Research Videos:

Top 5 Publications:

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  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Journals Published:

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  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Siew Cheng Phua

Assistant Professor


PI/ Centre for Bioimaging Sciences (CBIS)


Johns Hopkins University
United States

Research Areas

  • Neuroscience
  • Circadian Rhythm And Disorders
  • In Vivo Neuronal Imaging
  • Proteomics
  • Molecular And Cell Signaling

Research Description

The Multiscale Neurobiology Lab is established in CBIS since January 2022- we are combining molecular techniques with in vivo imaging and behavior approaches to illuminate the cell biology that goes on inside the mammalian brain and the implications on behavior. Currently, a range of projects are being developed to investigate circadian signaling mechanisms in the brain that regulate our fundamental behaviors such as sleep, feeding and locomotion. Our long-term goal is to understand the molecular basis of what a "behavioral state" is and to harness these knowledge to develop strategies to treat circadian-related disorders e.g. Parkinson's.

Research Videos

Selected Publications

(out of 12 publications)

Phua, S.C.#, Tan, Y.L.#, Kok, A.M.Y., Senol, E., Chiam, C.J.H., Lee, C.Y., Peng, Y., Lim, A.T.J., Mohammad, H., Lim, J.X., Fu, Y#. A distinct parabrachial to lateral hypothalamus circuit for motivational suppression of feeding by nociception. Science Advances 2021; 7(19), eabe4323. (#co-correspondence)

Jia, S., Phua, S.C., Nihongaki, Y., Li, Y., Pacella, M., Li, Y., Mohammad, A.M., Sun, S., Inoue, T., Schulman, R. Growth and site-specific organization of micron-scale biomolecular devices on living mammalian cells. Nature Communications 2021; 12(5279).

Phua S.C.#, Chiba S., Suzuki M., Su E., Roberson E.C., Pusapati G.V., Setou M., Rohatgi R., Reiter J.F., Ikegami K.#, Inoue T.# Dynamic remodeling of membrane composition drives cell cycle through primary cilia excision. Cell 2017; 168(1-2), 264-279. (#co-correspondence)

Garcia-Gonzalo F.R.*, Phua S.C.*, Roberson E.C., Garcia III G., Abedin M., Schurmans S., Inoue T., Reiter J.F. Ciliary phosphoinositides modulate Hedgehog signaling. Developmental Cell 2015; 34(4), 400-409. (*co-first)

Su S.*, Phua S.C.*, DeRose R., Chiba S., Narita K., Kalugin P.N., Katada T., Kontani K., Takeda S., and Inoue T. Genetically encoded calcium indicator illuminates calcium dynamics in primary cilia. Nature Methods 2013; 10(11), 1105-1107. (*co-first)

Phua S.C., Pohlmeyer C., Inoue T. Rapidly relocating molecules between organelles to manipulate small GTPase activity. ACS Chemical Biology 2012; 7(12): 1950-1955.