Unfried, Maximilian

Nationality: Germany
Faculty and Department: Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine , NUS Medicine Dean's Office
Year of Admission: 2019
Undergraduate University and Country: Chalmers University of Technology , Sweden
Thesis Advisor: Professor, Kennedy, Brian

Why did you choose to do a PhD?

My main reasons to pursue a PhD are mainly career driven. My intention is to create a deep tech startup that focuses on curing aging. Given that the subject matter is deeply technical I figured that with having a PhD from a reputable university it will be easier in the future to raise Venture Capital. In addition during the PhD I have the time to explore the entire field of aging biology and build a large network to shape the future together.

Why did you choose to do graduate education at NUS? If you received offers from other universities, why did you pick NUS?

The two conditions I had for my PhD was 1.) that I wanted to do it in the field of aging biology, and 2.) in Asia. As the research area I am interested in is rather specific there was not that much choice as there are not that many aging labs in Asia. Luckily, NUS just started a Center for Healthy Longevity, under the leadership of prominent aging scientist Prof. Brian Kennedy. So the stars aligned and I made the choice to pursue a PhD at NUS.

Briefly share about your research or thesis (i.e. dissertation topic for Masters by Coursework students).

In my research I combined methodologies from Artificial Intelligence, Complexity Science and Lipidomics to gain insights into the aging process and developing drugs that can slow it down.

Share a challenge you faced in graduate school and how you overcame it.

Having spend 4 years in the industry in non-biomedical areas it was initially a bit of a challenge to catch up with all the biomedical jargon. However, it has also an advantage to know less as you questions common assumptions more frequently.

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