
Who should submit the Research Progress Report?

Students in research-based graduate programmes are required to submit a research progress report every semester.

The research progress report is not applicable to research students who:

  • are newly admitted, that is, in their first semester of study; or
  • were on leave of absence in the reporting semester; or
  • had submitted their thesis prior to the start of the research progress report exercise

When must students submit their Research Progress Report?

Students will receive an email (end Oct / Early April) on the submission period and will need to complete the submission prior to the start of reading week or examination week, to allow sufficient time for the thesis advisor (s), Head of Department/Programme and Faculty to complete their assessments and recommendations, for continuation of candidature.

What should be included in the Research Progress Report?

The research progress report should include:

  • A summary of the work done in the reporting semester (e.g. modules taken, doctoral seminars attended, development/review of work plan, PhD qualifying examination, etc.)
  • Self-assessment
  • Any other comments (e.g. achievements and problems/issues encountered)

What happens if the Research Progress Report is not submitted by the stipulated deadline?

For Research Scholars

For Non-Research Scholars

Scholarship will be suspended as renewal of scholarship is dependent on the semestral report submission.

Scholars with Graduate Assistantship Programme (GAP):

  • Must report on the number of completed GAP hours during the reporting semester via myGAP

Status of research progress report will be reflected as “Deemed Unsatisfactory”.

Where do students submit the Research Progress Report?

Research progress report must be submitted online via the NUS Education Records System (myEduRec Navigator > Academics > Graduate Research > Submit Research Progress Report).