McGuire, Jack

Jack McGuire

Nationality: United Kingdom
Faculty & Year of Study: Business School, Year 2
Undergraduate: University of Glasgow, United Kingdom

Can you tell us briefly about your research topic?

I’m interested in how the emergence of new technology, such as artificial intelligence, will affect people at work.How do we design technology so that it is more human centred? And how should we design new job roles so that collaboration between employees and technology will not only bring about better organisational outcomes, but make employees feel valued and motivated too? These are a few key questions I am investigating!

What did you like most about your PhD life?

The freedom and the ability to pursue your curiosity! In graduate school, there is less emphasis on assessment and simply getting good grades. This opens up space for following avenues that interest you and focusing on the learning, rather than just trying to ace the exam.

What challenges have you faced during your stint as a PhD student?

I would say you have to be comfortable with setting your own schedule and managing your own time. You need to be a self-starter and have intrinsic motivation for what you do. The other side of having a lot of freedom is being comfortable with managing what to do with it!