Jayashree Selvalatchmanan

Nationality: Singapore
Faculty & Year of Study: Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, Year 3
Undergraduate: University of Technology, Sydney, Australia

"Going through a PhD means troubleshooting problems on a daily basis. Don't let that dishearten you."

Why Did You Choose To Pursue A PhD?

I wanted to commit myself more deeply to what i was doing. I was already a research assistant in my lab then and I found myself wanting to understand the field more thoroughly and deeply. What better way than to throw yourself into a PhD program and watch if you sink or float?

Why Did You Choose To Pursue Your PhD At NUS?

I was passionate about lipidomics, and SLING at NUS, headed by Markus Wenk, was perfect for me.

Can you tell us briefly about your research topic?

I am currently working on the variability of the human milk lipidome.

How does PhD graduate education compare with your undergraduate experience?

Doing your PhD is really all about your passions and interests; you can do whatever modules you want, from your own faculty or another. You pursue what you find interesting in your research. You take ownership and go where your heart and mind leads you. Undergrad education, although important to give you all the foundation you need, is more rigid.

What do you like most about graduate school?

Everything, really. I love the independence, the flexibility, the diverse group of people I work with and so much more.

Any advice for someone who's considering a PhD in NUS?

Do it. It’s an extremely strenuous journey. But it’s worth it.

Any other words of wisdom to share?

Going through a PhD means troubleshooting problems on a daily basis. Don’t let that dishearten you.