Jasmine Ngo

Nationality: Singapore
Faculty & Year of Study: NUS School of Design & Environment, Year 3
Undergraduate: National University of Singapore, Singapore

"PhD studies have shown me a new spectrum of opportunities that I would never have thought of during my undergraduate education."

How does PhD graduate education compare with your undergraduate experience?

Although I have pursued my undergraduate education and am pursuing my PhD graduate education both in NUS, the experience is very different. PhD education is self-directed, allows for the freedom to pursue your interests but requires a lot of self-discipline, whereas undergraduate education provides you with more guidance and have deadlines to keep you on schedule. The peers you meet during your PhD experience are also different, and you get exposed to people from different cultural and education backgrounds, and with a variety of experiences, and you get to learn a lot from them.

What challenges have you faced during your stint as a PhD student?

As PhD is mostly self-directed and requires a lot of self-discipline, sometimes you may feel lost or may not be motivated. On this note, I am very grateful to my supervisor who is always there to guide and encourage me along my journey, and for providing me with the opportunities to grow. The friends I have made during my PhD journey have also provided me with a lot of support and encouragement.

Any advice for someone who's considering a PhD in NUS?

Although I did not plan to pursue PhD studies during my undergraduate education, PhD studies have shown me a new spectrum of opportunities that I would never have thought of during my undergraduate education. I have now discovered my interest in research and I’d encourage you to pursue a PhD if you have interest in research!