Darryl Ang Wei How

Nationality: Singapore
Faculty & Year of Study: Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies, Year 2
Undergraduate: National University of Singapore, Singapore

"Enjoy life, enjoy the learning process!"

Why Did You Choose To Pursue A PhD?

As a clinical nurse, I am often challenged to provide the best care for those under my charge. In order to know what constitutes best care, nurses need to conduct studies using rigorous designs to ascertain the effectiveness of an intervention. Pursuing a PhD can equip me with the knowledge and skills to conduct the best possible studies.

Why Did You Choose To Pursue Your PhD At NUS?

I had a very positive learning experience during my time as an undergraduate and I felt that NUS has the resources to support my learning. As a Singaporean, it also makes geographical sense to pursue a PhD at a world class university in Singapore.

Can you tell us briefly about your research topic?

I am currently working on developing and evaluating a resilience program for university students.

Why did you choose to do this research for your PhD?

As an aspiring educator, I was interested in knowing how I can optimize my students’ learning journey in the university. Entering university can be a very stressful affair that is compounded by the presence of a global coronavirus pandemic. There is promise in building students’ resilience to overcome these challenges.

How does PhD graduate education compare with your undergraduate experience?

I felt that there was more intellectual freedom in terms of how learning takes place. As an undergraduate, there is more structure, for instance, what we need to learn. While at the graduate level, I have the liberty to select courses that I am interested in, there is less hand holding in that sense.

What do you like most about graduate school?

Graduate school is often associated with independent learning, but I am very lucky to have supervisors who are always able to provide me with timely constructive feedback and emotional support. Hence, I do not feel that I am alone in this journey, but I am supported by my supervisors.

What challenges have you faced during your stint as a PhD student?

Statistics has always been a bane of my life. In graduate school, this has now become a part of my everyday work. It was nice that the school offers statistics at both basic and advance levels to cater to all students from diverse statistical knowledge. While it is still a challenge, there are many available resources (textbooks, extensive library databases and modules) that mitigates the stress.

Any highlights you'd like to share with us about your PhD life?

An opportunity to share my knowledge with undergraduate students was a key highlight of my time in graduate school. I found these interactions stimulating as it often challenges my thought processes, builds my ability to articulate better and a chance to exchange ideas.

Can You Tell Us Something Fun About Your PhD Journey In NUS?

There is a strong community spirit in nursing and I have never felt more connected to a place. This creates a fun workplace environment, where you can easily find lunch buddies or group activities.

Any advice for someone who's considering a PhD in NUS?

PhD is a long and arduous process. I find that preparing yourself mentally, emotionally and physically is extremely important.

Any other words of wisdom to share?

Enjoy life, enjoy the learning process!