The College of Design and Engineering builds on the convergence between the disciplines of engineering, architecture, and design to offer a distinctive interdisciplinary educational experience for our students and foster a cutting-edge multi-disciplinary world-class research environment for our researchers. At CDE we unite creative minds to address some of the most challenging problems in technology, sustainability, and the environment to build a better future.

Integrative Sciences and Engineering

The NUS Graduate School’s Integrative Sciences and Engineering Programme (ISEP) believes that integrative approaches are required to solve challenging problems in science, engineering, computing, and medicine. We welcome talented PhD students from different background to pursue research that cuts across disciplinary boundaries.


The Mechanobiology Institute (MBI) is a Research Centre of Excellence hosted at NUS. Mechanobiology is a truly interdisciplinary science that aims to understand biological systems from a physical and mechanical perspective. The MBI Graduate Programme seeks outstanding STEM students for PhD training in collaborative science and interdisciplinary research.

Arts & Social Sciences

FASS is one of the largest faculties in the National University of Singapore, with a wide range of academic offerings in the Humanities, Social Sciences, Asian Studies and Language Studies. We offer excellent guidance for our graduate students in topics that interest them, with particular richness in Asia research.

LKY School of Public Policy

The Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy (LKYSPP) is one of the world’s most highly-regarded public policy schools. The School offers the best of Asian pragmatism and Western learning, and currently offers four master degrees and a PhD. Since founded in 2004, LKYSPP has graduated over 3,500 leaders worldwide.


The Institute of Data Science (IDS) agglomerates, and further builds on, substantial strengths in data science and analytics in NUS. IDS coordinates and supports data science research initiatives across NUS.


NUS School of Computing, one of the leading computing schools in the world with faculty members who are both internationally recognised researchers and inspiring teachers, offers exceptional education experience through our outstanding degree programmes across the full spectrum of computing field. We are proud to count many prominent leaders in the field among our large and accomplished alumni family.


NUS Business School is the ideal place for outstanding scholars who conduct cutting-edge research to pursue their passion and create knowledge with impact. As a doctoral student, you will be working in an environment of intellectual intensity with over 140 faculty members who graduated from leading universities all over the world.


The Asian Institute of Digital Finance (AIDF) is a university-level institute in the National University of Singapore (NUS), jointly founded by The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), the National Research Foundation (NRF) and NUS. AIDF aspires to be a thought leader, a FinTech knowledge hub, and an experimental site for developing digital financial technologies as well as for nurturing current and future FinTech researchers and practitioners in Asia.


IORA was established in 2016 as a centre of excellence to integrate Operations Research with Data Analytics. The institute aims to develop world-class research programmes to modernize the practice of Operations Research in this new data-intensive environment; and to nurture a new generation of PhD students, well versed in the tools and theories in the integration of Data Analytics into Operations Research.