2022 NUS Graduate Education Virtual Open House FAQ

  • Anyone with or getting a good University degree from any country in the world and are interested in pursuing Masters and/or PhD in any discipline are welcome to this Virtual Open House.
  • You are welcome to invite your friends to join us! Simply ask them to register at this event link: (https://nusgs.nus.edu.sg/2022onestopregn_voh_phdshow/).

Where: Link to the 2022 NUS Graduate Education Virtual Open House will be opened at https://nusgs.nus.edu.sg/ on the 6th Oct 2022 at 8:30 am

When: 6 Oct 2022,

  • From the 6 Oct 2022, you can view the non-‘live’ elements of the Virtual Open House anytime, from anywhere in the world and for as long as you like.
  • You can also participate in ‘live events’ from anywhere on the 6th Oct 2022.
    • Please click on this link (https://nusgs.nus.edu.sg/2022-nus-graduate-education-virtual-open-house-talks-schedule/’) to view the schedule of ‘live’
      • exciting, cutting-edge research talks by world-class NUS Professors from different disciplines and interact with them through Q&As
      • Insights from an eminent NUS PhD alumnus
      • Vice Dean Roundtable Forum where you will hear highlights of graduate programs in the major faculties and interact with the Vice Deans through Q&As
      • discussion Forum with NUS PhD Alumni and Students where they will briefly share their journey and you can interact with them via Q&As
      • Free and Easy interactive Chat Session with NUS Graduate School Vice Dean and Admissions Officers

If you missed any of these ‘live’ events, fret not.  Except for the ‘Free and Easy interactive Chat Session’, the research talks, insights and forums will be recorded and posted on this same website for later viewing.

  • You can also interact ‘live’ with admissions officers and (maybe even academic faculty, students and/or alumni) of specific faculty graduate programs anytime on 6th October from 0830 to 1800 SGT (UTC+8) on the 6 Oct 2022 for as long as you like through a link on the respective faculty’s webpage in the ‘Exhibit Hall’.
    • If they are unavailable, you may drop them a message through another link on their profile webpage to make other arrangements to meet.
  • If you have registered for this event (the 2022 NUS Graduate Education Virtual Open House) or the 2022 NUS PhDShow!, you can just simply log in with the same email address that you register. Otherwise, please register for this event (https://nusgs.nus.edu.sg/2022onestopregn_voh_phdshow/) before logging in.
  • Yes, you can login and out anytime you please! Simply re-login with your email address at your convenience.

There is no registration fee as the 2022 NUS Graduate Education Virtual Open House is FREE for everyone. Do spread the word and invite anyone who is interested in graduate education or interested to know more about graduate studies at NUS to register for this event (https://nusgs.nus.edu.sg/2022onestopregn_voh_phdshow/)

There is no closing date for registration. You can register anytime, up to the event day (ie 6th Oct 2022) itself to participate to the ‘live’ events.

Please download Zoom and have at least a free Zoom account to participate in all ‘live’ events. You will also need to register through this link (https://nusgs.nus.edu.sg/2022onestopregn_voh_phdshow/) and login to the event in a link found on the NUS Graduate School homepage (https://nusgs.nus.edu.sg/ ) (link will only be functional on actual event day)) using the same email address that you register.  No password is necessary.

Navigating around the 2022 NUS Graduate Education Virtual Open House (VOH) is easy.  After logging in, you will arrive at the ‘lobby’ of the VOH where you can participate in various events and activities (‘live’ interactive activities are indicated with this icon ):

  • Auditorium
    • The ‘talk or forum’ that is occurring when you enter the auditorium will be flashed at the Auditorium. Click on those words to immediately enter the webinar listen and participate in the talks and/or discussion forums.
    • Alternatively, if you like to view the schedule of events, Click on the word ‘Auditorium’ (in blue background) to view the latest schedule of events at the auditorium. From that site, you can enter the webinar to listen and participate in the talks and/or discussion forums, by simply clicking on the red button ‘Enter Live Auditorium’.
  • Exhibit Hall
    • Click on the word ‘Exhibit Hall’ (in blue background) to explore the different graduate programs at the various faculties / institutes and even chat ‘live’ with admissions officers and perhaps even academic faculty, students and/or alumni at some faculties. To explore,
      • First select the faculty of interest by clicking on name of the faculty to view their webpage and the different programs that they offer.
      • When you enter the specific faculty webpage, there will be an icon labeled ‘Chat with me via Zoom’. This is where you can interact ‘live’ with the admissions officers and other members of that faculty.
      • There’s a notice board where they can communicate with you about anything, including any special events happening or when they are unavailable to chat with you.
      • If they are unavailable when you visit their ‘booth’ / webpage, you can also ‘drop me a message’ for them to get back to you.
    • Help Desk
      • You can get help on anything about the VOH or graduate studies (generally, but not specific programs which you will need to approach the specific faculty hosting the program) by clicking on the word ‘Help Desk’ (in blue background) which will be manned by very experienced and knowledgeable admissions officers from the NUS Graduate School.
    • Lounge
      • This lounge will only be opened after all the ‘live’ talks and discussions in the auditorium is over (ie ~7:30 pm on 6th Oct 2022 till 1 am on the 7th Oct 2022). Here, you can chat casually with the Vice Dean and Admissions Officers of the NUS Graduate School and maybe admission officers, academic faculty, students or alumni from one or more specific faculties / programs.  Click on the word ‘Lounge’ in blue background to enter the zoom room to chat.
    • Scholarships
      • Click on the word ‘Scholarships’ in blue background to explore the various different scholarships that are available for you. To find other forms of Financial Aid Schemes, click the word ‘Go to Financial Aid Schemes’ just below the word ‘Scholarships’ on the Scholarship page.  You can also approach the Help Desk if you need to chat with someone about any of these scholarships.
    • Find Thesis Advisors
      • Click on the word ‘Find Thesis Advisors’ to identify potential thesis advisors through advanced search functions
    • Students Sharing / Alumni Insights
      • Click on the word ‘Students Sharing’ or ‘Alumni Insights’ in blue background to read about the journey of NUS graduate students and alumni. An advanced search function will allow you to read the journey of specific relevant student/alumni.
    • Explore Singapore
      • If you have never visited Singapore and would like to know about Singapore including the cost of living, click on the word ‘Explore Singapore’ to read more about this city state, watch a short movie about Singapore and even calculate the cost of living.

It is good for you to attend the ‘live’ talks, Deanery Forums, Alumni/Graduate Student Forums at the stipulated times on that day (6th Oct 2022) as there will be opportunities for ‘live’ QnAs. Nonetheless, fret not if you are unable to attend as all ‘live’ talks and discussion forums will be recorded and uploaded onto the event site for later viewing, and thereafter to NUS Graduate School website.

Importantly the Virtual Open House web-portal will remain accessible to the public after the event except there will not be any ‘live’ events.  Simply register (if you have not previously done so) and login to still be able to visit the various faculty ‘booths’ (webpage) to download information and brochures and ‘drop them a note’ with any enquiries.

A webcam is optional.

You can